Chapter 10
Creepy Minds Align
My muscles ache, my eyes burn, and my tongue seems too big for my mouth. We bid goodnight to my family, and I took the quickest shower before putting on my Care Bears pajamas.
Kai and I are brushing our teeth side by side. The normalcy of this moment makes me want to scream. The sexy criminal is as composed as ever, his sun eyes betraying no emotion.
Is he a robot?
I laugh at the image of a red flash in his right eye, and I’m almost convinced I hear robotic noises whenever he moves.
I’m sailing in uncharted water with him. The guy would need a unique word to define him.
Ultra applies to both adjectives in whatever way you want. Kai Kiken, the ultrasexygerous man.
I won’t survive an entire night in bed with him. Not if he tries something. My villain fantasy might come to life, after all.
I walk out of the bathroom, giggling, feeling his gaze on my posterior. I can’t believe that man is attracted to me.
After slipping into the soft sheets, I close my eyes in bliss. The feather pillows are a delight, and I squirm joyfully at being in such a comfortable bed. Everything is perfect.
My mind holds no despicable thoughts. Until Kai closes the light and slips under the duvet. At least he’s wearing a T-shirt and boxers.
Vicious heat spreads through my body, and I breathe faster. The mattress is too small, the crease sucks us in the middle, and we collide in a strange roll.
He tosses and turns but finally settles on the edge of the other side.
The warmth of Kai’s body heats the bed, and a heavy silence settles. After a few seconds, I try to focus on counting the blades of the blind. But Kai stirs, letting cold air fill the warm cocoon that’s enveloped us.
“Don’t do that,” I say, closing the covers on us.
He mumbles something in Japanese. Is he going to offer to heat me up? That would be cheesy and tacky. And hot.
Kai, heat me up with your bad boy’s body.
Seconds change into minutes. The surrounding air seems to hold its breath, waiting for him to make a move. I want him to do something.
Kai does nothing.
Absolutely nothing.
You’re not worthy of having a penis, Ultrasexygerous.
“Goodnight, Marianne.”
“Goodnight, Kai.”
I wake in the middle of the night. Kai’s hand rests on my hip, his body separated from mine by a fraction of an inch. That slight gesture is like an anchor weighing me down, reminding me of everything I can’t have. When we went to bed, he lay motionless until I fell asleep.
We flirted today, and that gave me the perception he would make a move in bed. I’m not confident enough to do that. He was so good at the pretend boyfriend thing, but maybe I misunderstood.