My alcohol-flushed cheeks burn as I try to avoid Kai’s gaze, finding it mesmerizing and comforting like an endless abyss.

I’m so glad he’s here.

Chapter 9

Deep Breaths

“Hey!” shouts my uncle when he returns from his after-dinner walk with James.

My eyes burn while my neck and shoulders hurt from the long drive. I should go to bed, but I’m sprawled on the sofa, and my bedroom feels a gazillion miles away. The chick flick I watched with Nina while the guys were out replays in my head. Some one-on-one time with my favorite aunt. Only have one, though. She was silent for most of the movie, her fingers playing in my hair while she hummed and giggled along with the scenes. But when I snorted to the masculine main character proclaiming his love—who likes billionaires anyway—she asked me so many questions about Kai...

“What went through your mind the first time you saw him?”

“Yummy.” That’s what I answered. And Nina giggled.

“How is he in b… you know… is hetreatingyou right?”

I snorted and sighed. “Depends on the mood. He can be a bit self-centered.”

Nina frowned. I felt it rather than saw it. “Don’t be afraid to ask, chickadee. Most of the time, if I don’t ask, your uncle doesn’t even think about going downto—”

I shriek. “No! TMI!”

Ew. Wow. But ew.

The next questions were inoffensive, and I patched in some of Seito’s history and a bit of mine where plot holes shone through.

I think I did a good job.Arietta would be proud of me, neck deep in an adventure beyond my imagination.

My very own novel.

Tome one:Embrace the Chaos.

A stupid chuckle erupts from my mouth. “It’s already past ten,” I mutter, rubbing my tired eyes.

I want to go read in my bed.

Seito’s about to find out who’s been hired to wreck his shipment. I bet it’s Paulina, the alien hottie.

Corey hands Kai a box and grabs his wife to go into the hot tub. They want to leave me all alone with my “boyfriend.”

As Nina and Corey share a laugh outside, Kai stands in the kitchen with a half-smirk.

“Corey told me you used to cut hair,” he says.

“That’s what you guys talked about? Haircuts?” I frown.

Kai’s expression softens into one I don’t recognize. “We talked about you and how you haven’t come home in two years.”

Subject change needed. Now.

“I used to do haircuts. Three years ago, while I was studying.”

Kai faces me and threads his fingers into his shoulder-length black hair. “Care to tackle this? I’ve always had it quite long, and I need a change.”

I want to go to bed.

But a light desire burns in his eyes, pulling me in. He pushes the box on the table and opens it, revealing the scissors and clipper Corey uses.