“Sure thing,” he agrees, and we continue our journey. I nestle my head against the soft pillow like a lover and drift into peaceful slumber.

Chapter 32

Crossing Borders

My eyelids flutter open, heavy with exhaustion. The rhythmic hum of the car engine has been replaced by a thick silence that makes me frown. I shift in my seat and turn to the man beside me, who offers a small smile. His presence is a balm to my frayed nerves.

“Hey there, love.”

“Are we at the border?” I ask.

“Yes,” he replies, his eyes alight with an intense adoration that sets my heart thrashing around my ribcage. We must’ve been parked here for at least a half hour.

My heart races as I realize the gravity of what we’re about to do. Leave everything behind and start a new life on a boat with Kai.

It’s wild and uncertain, but it’s also exhilarating.

My best friend Arietta encouraged me to give him a chance to see what could be between us. And now, I’m ready to take that leap.

Despite my fears and doubts, a calm excitement builds inside me as we sit there, looking out at the trees and the imaginary bright neon green line that marks the border between Canada and the US.

“I can’t wait to see the boat,” I whisper, admitting my eagerness to leave everything behind for this adventure with Kai.

He squeezes my hand and whispers back, “Let’s go.”

A pang of sadness hits me as I think about what I’m leaving behind: my family and my colleagues. Like I’m betraying a part of myself. But I know this is where I need to be.

His hand on my back is all the reassurance I need as we step out of the car and begin our journey together to a new life.

Fighting myself is exhausting. When Kai touches me, the chaos in my head quiets.

Still, I’m a tad angry with him for the pain he’s caused me.

His eyes sparkle in the morning light. I heave a sigh as I sling my backpack over my shoulder. I’ve packed only the essentials. My lips curl down when Kai punctures the gas tank and fills an old can with fuel. I want to laugh despite everything.

He’s going to blow up my car.

It’s a big moment, and we both know it. We stand silently as he strikes a match and sets the car ablaze. With each flicker of flame, I’m burning parts of myself that I don’t want to carry anymore.

I wish he’d kiss me, hold me. But the words get stuck in my throat, drowned out by a feeling I don’t quite understand.


The pain in my thigh reminds me of the danger he’s exposed me to without a care for the consequences. I’ve dreamed of starting a new life somewhere else for ten years. And for that, I don’t blame him. I resent him for hurting me in the process.

Without even realizing it, we’ve crossed the border. Looking back, I see my car engulfed in flames. It was so simple. A thumbwipes away my tears, and I realize I’m terrified. My mouth was ajar, tears wetting my cheeks, and my heart was struggling.

“I’m so sorry,” Kai apologizes, cupping my wet cheek.

“You ruined my life!” I blurt out in anger before I can stop myself.

Kai recoils, and hurt fills his eyes.

Damn it, that’s not what I meant to say.

“It’s okay,” he says bitterly. “I know.”

I’m scared.