Each floor feels like a cruel joke, mocking my desperate search for Kai. As I finally stumble back to my car, the harsh reality hits me like a sledgehammer: Kai is gone. Our love story was cut short by cruel fate.

I wait until the sun is sound asleep to start the engine.

“If something happens, I’ll meet you at the next step.”

His words ring in my mind, and a painful ache grips my heart as I realize I may never see him again.

Get to the beach house.

Tears flow freely down my cheeks as I drive away from the scene of our sudden separation.

My little slice of paradise is a quaint abode with a weathered foundation that blends in perfectly with the surroundings. The front porch boasts two lounge chairs and a small table, creating the perfect spot to sip coffee while watching the sea.

Alone, it seems.

Relief washes over me like the waves crashing against the rocky shore. I park the car and step out, inhaling the salty breeze.

How could this happen to me?

I let out a pathetic sniffle that turns into a huff of frustration.

Now, I must wait.

Wait… Right.

I break down into tears.

“I’ll meet you at the next step,” I mutter childishly, holding back my sobs.

And here I am, a foolish girl, once again falling for another bad boy. As I sit on the familiar wooden floor of my dining room, I feel stupid for believing in this delusional fantasy with a criminal. I let out a mix of laughter and tears as I think about how ridiculous it all is.

Fat, delusional me.

My thoughts are jumbled and nonsensical as I gaze out at the sea through the glass doors. The porch invites me with the fireplace I built by hand. Beyond that, the beach and the never-ending ocean.

It’s gorgeous.

Just hours ago, I was in bed with the most beautiful man I’ve ever laid eyes on. Now, here I am, alone in my summer house.

Night has settled when I stumble outside into the cool offshore breeze. I collapse onto the wet sand and listen to the ocean’s call beckoning me toward the crashing waves. The sound does nothing to soothe me; instead, a whisper in my ear urges me to join them in their endless embrace. An eerie song that burrows its way into my thoughts.

The waves lap at my unmoving legs, and I hum to myself.

“Hush, crazy lady, close your eyes tight…”

It’s been a crazy week; I only wanted a break from my normal life as a nurse.

“In the darkness, find a glimmer of light.”

But instead, fate has thrown me into an insane adventure. The thought of going back to my usual routine seems worlds away now.

“Though pain grips and shadows loom…”

I miss Kai already, and tears start to well up in my eyes. Stepping out of my sandals, I let the tide wash over my knees, tickling them with its gentle touch.

“Hope still flickers in the silent gloom.”

The sand exfoliates my feet as it washes over them. My peeling nail polish serves as a mocking reminder of what once was between Kai and me.