The words “fake tattoos” are carved in a space low behind mental recognition.

His hand slides into his bag, and my jaw drops in confusion.

“Just kidding.” He smirks.

But I squint, peeking at the huge dragon covering his hand and forearm. It’s not exactly stealthy. Then again, it fits his arrogance.

“But I use dark brown contacts at home or on business.” Kai hands me a hairpiece. More pepper than salt.

Putting on a wig when you have mid-length thick hair isn’t easy, but I managed to do it and caught myself in the visor.

Ew. Gray hair doesn’t fit me.

Next is lipstick. I love this hot pink shade, but I’ve only worn it once because it’s bold and makes men stare at my lips.

“Oh.” Kai blinks at me, and a slow smile curves his mouth.

I rummage through my purse and pull out a mood ring. If I turn the gem inside my hand, it looks like a wedding band. Perfect. But my right index grazes the metal band in a daze, and my lower lip slacks.

An odd silence envelops me until I shake my head.

“Ready?” I ask with a fake smile.

Kai’s strong hand slides under mine, bringing my knuckles to his lips. The warmth of his breath tickles my skin as he speaks. “Is that something you want, love?” His sunrise gaze hooks on mine, and a thrill arcs through me.

My mind rushes as I struggle to give an honest answer. “Maybe... I mean...” The words catch in my throat. “Could be nice.” To find a man who’s crazy enough to love me, flaws and all.


This one, I can admit out loud. “No, I don’t want kids.” No way I’m passing down my psychological flaws to an offspring.

“Noted.” A flurry of emotions crosses his face, too quick for me to decipher. “We should go,” he murmurs.

I pull away and start the car, my hands trembling slightly against the steering wheel. “Let’s do this.”

Chapter 23


After my quick makeover, Kai sprawls out across the back of the car, adjusting himself to fit in the cramped space. His body is half in the trunk and half lying on the lowered back seat.

We should arrive in Vancouver by late afternoon.

As I drive, small towns turn into cityscapes, each mile bringing us closer to Vancouver and further away from safety. My heart pounds in sync with the rhythmic beat of the tires on asphalt.

Usually, I relish quiet moments, but this silence is heavy.

“Where are we going, exactly?”

“Six-thirty-two Bridge Lane in East Vancouver.”

I toss Kai my phone. “Can you please check for a place to host kids’ birthday parties on any street that sounds like Bridge Lane?”

After a few clicks, Kai answers. “There’s a thing called the Fun Zone on Birchland Street. It’s downtown, though.”


The traffic grows denser as we approach the outskirts of Vancouver. I adjust my wig self-consciously. Just as I’m about to tell Kai to hide, a musical ringtone erupts from my phone.