Page 65 of Nightmare Island

Ghost’s thumb traces circles on my palm. “You were never out of control.”

Listen to him butter you up, Jarl sneers.Like anyone could want damaged goods like you. He’s using you, stupid bitch. Just like everyone else.

The path in front of us winds higher, bordered by ferns that seem to glow an impossible green in the strange storm light. Moss covers everything, thick and soft. Ghost keeps me close, watching every time I flinch at Jarl’s words.

“Talk to me,” he says suddenly. “What’s he saying?”

I laugh, but it comes out bitter. “Trust me, you don’t want to know.”

You think you’re so fucking clever.

My face must show something because Ghost stops, turning to face me.

“Hey.” His hand cups my cheek, thumb brushing away rain and tears. “I’m going to get him out. I promise.”

Tell him about the closet, Jarl purrs.Tell him how you used to beg. How you promised to be good if I just let you out.

“The forest opens up ahead,” Ghost says, clearly trying to distract me. “There’s a plateau where we can rest.”

We emerge onto a rock platform jutting from the mountainside. The view would be spectacular if I could see more than twenty feet through the rain. Ghost guides me to a relatively dry spot under an overhanging boulder.

Getting tired already?Jarl mocks.Always were weak.

I dig my nails into my palms, focusing on the pain instead of his voice. Ghost notices and gently uncurls my fingers.

“You’re bleeding,” he says softly.

“Better than listening to him.” I lean against the boulder, the cold stone grounding me. “Distract me? Tell me how you ended up on Nightmare Island.”

Ghost’s jaw tightens, but he nods. “When I first arrived, Sten kept me prisoner. Months of beatings, starvation, mind games. Typical Alpha bullshit, trying to break me down.” He looks out into the rain. “The worst part wasn’t the pain. It was feeling helpless again, just like when I was back home.”

“Sten told me things,” I say carefully. “About why you ended up here. Different to what you told me before.”

Ghost’s brow furrows as he glances at me. Rain runs down his face, dripping from his jaw.

“I didn’t tell you the truth earlier because I didn’t want to show you the ugliness of my past, I didn’t want to scare you away. But back home…” His voice darkens. “My father wasn’t the only monster. Mother watched it all and never lifted a finger. Neighbors thought it was fine to lock me in cupboards for days, keep me quiet so no one would ask questions.”

He runs a hand through his wet hair, making it stand up wildly.

“I’m not justifying what I did. But there’s only so many times you can be broken before something inside you snaps.” Hislaugh is hollow. “So, yeah, I deserve to be here. Did things that can’t be forgiven, but I can’t say I regret them.”

I reach for him with my hand, fingers tracing the edge of a scar on his cheek. “I don’t judge you. Living with monsters…” I swallow hard. “It pushes you to limits you never thought you’d reach.”

Stop whining, bitch. You deserved everything I gave you.

“I used to lie awake, imagining all the ways I could kill my husband,” I say, and for once, Jarl goes quiet. “Poison in his whiskey. Push him down the stairs and make it look like he fell drunk. Again.”

Ghost pulls me close, his lips finding mine. The kiss is deep, desperate, tasting of rain and something wild. His hands cup my face as though I’m something precious, not the broken thing Jarl always claimed I was.

Fuck, stop that!Jarl roars, and pain explodes behind my eyes like shattered glass. I cry out, pulling back.

“Fuck off, Jarl!” I snarl out loud, clutching my head.

Ghost catches me before I fall over, scooping me into his arms. “I’ve got you,” he murmurs, lifting me into his arms. His chest is solid against my cheek, heartbeat steady under my ear.

“Keep talking,” I beg. “Your voice… It helps drown him out. Tell me more about you and Sten.”

“A challenge,” Ghost continues, his breath warm against my hair as he carries me up the path. “Sten had this fucking stupid rule about doing it over the Gravewater pool. Some ancient bullshit about proving worth.”