Page 47 of Nightmare Island

When I finally return to the fire, the sky has deepened to purple and gold. The flames cast dancing shadows across the gathered wolves, some now sprawled on blankets, others perched on logs or standing in small groups. The smell of cooking meat makes my mouth water.

“Here,” Ghost says, appearing at my side with a metal plate. Two thick cuts of meat steam on it, barely cooked. The sight of it, pink and juicy, makes my stomach clench with want. “You need to eat.”

I take the plate, trying to ignore how my fingers tingle where they brush his. “Thanks.” Though I usually prefer my meat a little less… alive.

His eyes crinkle behind the mask—he’s smiling—then he moves over to talk to more of his Alphas, all of them eating the meat with their hands, their teeth tearing into it.

I bite into the meat and have to stifle a moan. The taste explodes on my tongue, rich and primal and perfect. My wolf purrs in satisfaction.

I enjoy the barbecued meat like I haven’t eaten in days, which honestly isn’t far from the truth. Awa plops down beside me, offering me fresh bread slices slathered in coconut butter.

“Oh, Mara’s bread. Yes, please. You’re going to make me fatter.”

She laughs at me. “You are not fat in the slightest.”

The fire crackles and is beautiful to watch. Maybe it’s the flames, or maybe it’s the three helpings of meat I’ve devoured, but I’m feeling oddly brave.

“So… any special someone caught your eye in the pack?”

Awa’s laugh rings out, rich and full. “I have four.”

I choke on my bread. “Four? As in four different men?” My eyes must be huge. “Wow, I like how you think. Share your wisdom, O Great One.”

“When you’ve been around as long as I have on this island, you learn not to limit your options.” She winks, tearing off another piece of bread.

As night settles in, we keep chatting and watch couples disappear into the woods. Other Alphas are passing around what I’m pretty sure is rum, their off-key singing making me wonder if werewolves can get alcohol poisoning.

Then there’s Ghost.

He’s deep in conversation with Knut, but I can’t stop staring. The firelight catches his profile just right, and something in my chest does this annoying flutter thing.

My breathing suddenly thickens, struggles. I place my plate down on the grass at my feet and get up.

“I need some air,” I say.

“We’re outside,” Awa points out because, apparently, she’s appointed herself Captain Obvious tonight.

“More air. Different air. Air that’s not…” Not making me feel like I’m about to combust. Not filled with his scent that’s doing things to my brain I refuse to acknowledge. “Just… different air.”

Understanding dawns in her eyes, along with something that looks suspiciously like pity.

“Walk by the woods where the air is clearer and with fewer Alphas scents,” she advises. “But not too far. The men are wild on these nights.”

I head toward the tree line. The farther I get from the fire, the clearer my head becomes… or at least that’s what I tell myself. Taking a few deep inhales, I stop before the tree line, having no intention of going in there, and with the fire at my back and others beyond that, I close my eyes.

Breathe. In and out.

Why am I sweating so much?

The cool night air carries the scent of pine and burning wood.

“Beautiful night, isn’t it?” A deep voice cuts through my thoughts, coming from behind me. I turn to find one of the Alphas; he doesn’t look familiar. Tall, broad chest, with dirty-blond hair and a hungry stare in his brown eyes.

“Yeah, great,” I reply, deliberately taking a step away. The heat from the bonfire feels too intense suddenly, or maybe it’s the way he’s looking at me.

I make it about three steps before I glance back at the party and immediately wish I hadn’t.

Eve’s practically draped over Ghost like she’s auditioning for the role of a blanket. Her fingers trace his bicep while she laughs at something that probably isn’t even funny. And he… he just stands there, looking amused. Not moving away. Not stopping her.