“Look, I appreciate you saving my life,” she begins. “Multiple times, actually, which is kind of embarrassing now that I think about it. But I can’t… I’m not sure what’s happening here, but I’m not ready for anything.”
I want to laugh because she thinks she has a choice, and I’m not talking about me making her mine.
“Sweetheart, sometimes none of us have a choice when fate intervenes.”
She picks up another pebble I missed, turning it over in her hands.
“Is that why you said earlier that I was your mate?”
A breeze carries the honeyed scent of her across my face, and my wolf stirs restlessly. She smells like rain and lightning, like sex. Like mine.
“I know what I sense in your scent, when I tasted your blood. It’s right there, but you’ll find out soon enough.”
She eyes me as if she’s ready to set me on fire. “I’m not ready.”
“I doubt anyone is. Are you worried about your husband? I can take care of him if he ever comes here for you.”
She half chuckles. “Wow, you just offered to take someone out for me?”
“You seem to be misunderstanding the intense connection between true fated mates. You’re under my protection now. Anyone who tries to hurt you will answer to me.”
“And what about you?” Her voice is barely a whisper. “Who do you answer to?”
The question hits harder than she probably intended. Images flash through my mind—blood on my hands, screams in the dark, the weight of choices I can never take back.
“I answer to no one.”
“Alphas should answer to someone. Even monsters.”
“Is that what you think I am? A monster?”
She studies me for a long moment, her gaze tracing the edges of my mask.
“I think you’re whatever you needed to become to survive. Just like me.”
Her words sink into me like claws, finding truth I’d rather keep buried. Before I can respond, she winces, shifting her injured leg.
“The pain’s getting worse.” A weak smile takes the sting out of her words. “And I’m really tired of hurting.”
“Let me take you back inside.” I stand, ready to lift her.
“Wait.” She catches my hand, and the simple touch sends electricity through my veins, through my body, and down to my cock. “Just… a few more minutes? It’s peaceful here.”
“Okay.” I settle back beside her, closer this time. She doesn’t pull away when our shoulders touch.
“Peacefulisn’t a word most people would use to describe Nightmare Island.”
“Maybe that says more about my life than your island.” She leans into me slightly, probably not even aware she’s doing it. “Besides, the view isn’t bad… when you ignore the whole prison island vibe. And the zombies. And the ghosts. And the scary masked Alpha.”
I burst out laughing at her jab. “Yeah, he’s not so bad. When he’s not being all mysterious and cryptic about the whole mate thing.”
I have no idea how long we’ve spent outside, but time flew by—and that never happens on the island. The breeze has picked up, and the sun is descending.
“Now?” I stand, scooping her up before she can protest. “Let’s head inside.”
She wraps her arms around my neck, her side boob against my chest, and it’s hard to concentrate on anything but how soft it feels, how desperate I want it in my mouth.
Back in the room, I set her on the bed and brush my fingertips against her cheek. Her skin is soft, and she shivers at my touch. It takes every ounce of control I possess to step back. To not lie on her, spread her legs, and show her she’s my damn mate. To eradicate her doubts.