‘Well then, Nina, I need you to show me to your heart.’

The floor opened slowly for once. Instead of plunging me three floors below, the peeled-away floorboards formed a staircase that hovered in the air. I started down it, wishing for a handrail.

We don’t need a handrail, we’re not infirm. We’re a wolf!

I gave Esme a mental pat and continued carefully downwards in the darkness. I nearly screamed when a torch lit up by my head, but at least now I could see where I was going. There were more torches as I moved deeper and deeper into the roots of the seat of power.

Finally I came to the bottom floor. Nina was in the centre of the room. She wasn’t the young child I remembered seeing in one of my earliest visions of her; instead she looked about my age. She was buxom, with green skin so pale as to be translucent and tumbling red hair. She was stunning.

She was also locked into the ancient tree at the heart of the building.

Nina,Terrance breathed.My love.

Nina was a true dryad. She appeared to be sleeping half in and half out of the tree which the seat of power was built from. Its circumference was awe inspiring; I’d never seen one so thick before.

That’s whatshesaid,Esme murmured, startling a guffaw out of me.

‘Sorry,’ I apologised aloud. ‘Esme made a joke.’ I paused. ‘A really good one, which is rare for her.’


‘Anyway, um, I’m going to place the crown here for a moment.’ I put it at Nina’s feet, closed my eyes, and for the second time that night I pulled up my piping magic.

I reached out to the crown, to Torrance himself.Come, I ordered him, as I gently pulled him out.Live here,I ordered, pushing him into the tree with Nina.

Exhaustion shuddered through me and the faintest itch began. It was time for a trip to Rosie’s. I opened my eyes. ‘Are you okay?’ I asked anxiously. ‘Terrance, are you in there?’

He is.Nina’s voice was full of wonder.

I am,he agreed warmly, but his voice no longer sounded inside my head. He wasn’t speaking from withinme as he had before.

‘I’d better go,’ I blurted, their intimate tone making me want to run away and give them some privacy.

Visit the orb first,Nina suggested, pulling the staircase out for me again.

I suppressed a sigh. I didn’t want to visit the orb, I wanted to go to bed. Nevertheless, I started up the stairs to the room that housed it. It was glowing brightly on its pedestal. ‘Hello,’ I said aloud, feeling a little foolish.

I felt its joy at my presence. As the orb pulsed, warm affection washed over me.

I sighed and pinched the bridge of my nose. ‘I’m actually not in the market for a sentient object right now,’ I complained. ‘I’ve pretty much got my hands full with one house and a fiery crown. Though admittedly they’re going to be busy for a while.’

We’re not a handful!Nina groused.

A perfect handful,Terrance flirted. Ack.

The orb’s light dimmed and I got the impression of a shy abashed child that felt unwanted. Oh jeez. ‘I’m sorry,’ I said hastily. ‘Of course I want you. Who doesn’t want a magical’ – sulky – ‘orb? I’m so happy you’re here.’

The light returned tenfold and I patted it gently. ‘I could do with some air lessons,’ I said lightly.

Instantly visions of flying in werewolf form assailed me. ‘Whoa, whoa,’ I laughed. ‘Slow down. We probably need tostart with the basics.’ A yawn cracked my face. ‘But not now. Now I need to recharge, in more ways than one. The last few weeks have been very difficult.’ I patted the orb. ‘You’re okay here, right?

It pulsed again and I took that as a yes.

‘Great. I’ll be back soon, okay? I’m eager to get to know you.’

The orb’s light bathed me, pulsing over my stomach before glowing a soft pink and then a soft blue. It was trying on disco colours.

‘Okay,’ I said softly. ‘I just really need rest. I’m exhausted.’