Page 6 of That's a Wrap

She rings me up while an idea pops into my head.

“You know what?” I start, pulling my wallet from my back pocket. “I think we should highlight important local landmarks of the town for the resortas a part of a new marketing initiative. Show tourists all the cool places to visit while they’re here. Would it be alright if I included your cafe?”

“Oh, that would be wonderful!” She claps her hands together. “What other places are you thinking of including?”

“I’m not actually sure yet. Since I’m still not familiar with a lot of places in town, maybe someone local will help me out.”

Susan gasps and slaps Tim’s arm, giving him a pointed glare. They stare at each other for a few seconds, having some sort of silent conversation, before he nods and disappears into the backroom. Then, she turns back to me with an excited smile. “Ifyou don’t mind waiting a second, I think we know the perfect person to help you out.”

Before I can respond, I hear a familiar voice get louder and louder as the speaker approaches, until I can make out what’s being said.

“What’s the big rush? I was in the middle of inventory,” Elle says as she’s ushered through the swinging half-doors with anemployees onlysign at the top.

My heart skips a beat at the sight of her. It’s only been a day, but seeing her again is like drinking an ice-cold glass of water after a scorching day at the beach. It’s like my body didn’t know it was parched until she walks into the room and my dick twitches at the sight of her. I know she’s not trying, but she still looks beautiful with her hair pulled into a high, wavy ponytail and her pretty face clear of any makeup. Even in her fitted black t-shirt, dark jeans, and an apron, she still looks radiant.

When she spots me at the counter, she narrows her gaze at me. “You!What’reyoudoing back here? I thought I banned you.” She tries to sneer but only manages a cute pout.

“Ella Kate!” Susan gasps while raising a hand to clasp an imaginary pearl necklace.

I laugh, giving Susan a grin to let her know everything’s fine before looking back at Elle. She has her nose turned up and her face pinched with her toned arms crossed over her ample chest. “I don’t remember you saying I was banned.”

“Well, I did,” she insists. “In my head.”

Now, I really laugh. “I don’t think that counts, honey.”

“Yes, it does.” She digs her heels in.

Stubborn girl.

I press my lips together, trying to keep a straight and serious face when I glance at Susan. “Can I be unbanned, please?” I silently plead.

“You are not banned, Peter,” Susan huffs as she rolls her eyes. “I swear…”

“Mom!” Elle hisses. “He’s that rude guy from yesterday,” she explains while barely moving her lips.

“Oh, sweetie, I’m sure the two of you just got off on the wrong foot.” Susan lovingly pats her daughter’s hand. “Besides, Peter here was just telling us how he needs some help with a project he’s working on.”

“Help? What kind of help?” Elle asks suspiciously.

“He needs a local to help him learn more about the cafe and the town and all the unique local landmarks we have! Isn’t that exciting?”

“O-kay… but what does that have to do with me?” Her green eyes slide back in my direction as she grows more confused.

I, however, completely understand where Susan is going with this and can’t stop a satisfied grin from spreading on my face. Elle’s cheeks turn a slight shade of pink and she looks away from me again, pouting ever-so-slightly.

“Your father and I think you’d be perfect for the job.”

Elle’s mouth drops in shock. “What? No way! I’m too busy for that. There’s plenty of other people who’d be way better at that kind of thing. Like, you guys, for instance.”

“Come on, Ella Kate,” Tim encourages. “You’ve lived here your whole life and you know the town like the back of your hand, much better than your mom and I do.”

“I-I guess, but…” she relents, her eyes moving back and forth, clearly trying to come up with another reason as to why this is a terrible idea. “But I need to help out with the cafe, right? I don’t have time to be working on some side project with astranger.”

“Thiswouldbe helping the cafe.” Susan taps Elle’s nose as a smile spreads across the older woman’s face. “Peter’s going to include it in his list of local attractions. It’ll be promoted with all the guests at the resort.”

“But, but…” Elle scrambles to think of another excuse, but she’s clearly lost the argument since Susan is gently pushing her out from behind the counter.

“Why don’t you take a break from inventory and talk to Peter for a minute so the two of you can figure out what you want to do first?”