Page 12 of That's a Wrap

Ella Kate:

Ready when you are.

She’s been texting me more, both in response to my messages and initiating some conversations as well. The first time, she simply said she was glad the rain let up so she could take a walk after work. I was so happy to hear from her I think I legitimately scared Jeremy when I shouted my excitement in the office. But I’ve learned to curb my enthusiasm so I don’t seem overzealous—even though my heart does a little flip every time her name appears on my phone.

Knowing she’s waiting for me right now, I text her back, saying that I’m on my way. Then, I rush out to my car, quicklygetting in and starting the engine. I’m always excited to see her and today is no different.

I’ve let her lead most of our outings, since she knows the town better than I do, and she’s given me a lot of great insider information along the way. But tonight, I’ve planned the perfect evening for us and I’m looking forward to surprising her. I don’t care what she wants to call it.

This is a date. Damn it.

Pulling up in front of the cafe, Ella Kate is waiting outside, rubbing her hands together to stay warm. I’ve just barely come to a stop before she opens the passenger door and jumps inside.

“Someone’s excited.” I chuckle.

She rolls her eyes while giving me a playful smile. “Don’t flatter yourself, Peter. It’s freezing out.”

I pull away from the curb and drive us downtown. “It’s in the upper fifties. I’d hardly call that freezing.”

“Well, some of us don’t have weird northerner blood that keeps us warm no matter what temperature it is.”

“Aw, if you want to cuddle, all you have to do is ask,” I tease, stretching my arm around her shoulders while resisting the temptation to tug her against my side.

“In your dreams,” she retorts, but leans her head against the inside of my bicep. I’m not sure she even realizes what she’s doing, so I don’t say anything, wanting to keep her right where she is. “So,” she starts. “I was thinking today we could stop by Sirens, that sea glass art gallery a few blocks over. What do you think?”

“I, uh, actually did some research and I really want to check out this restaurant right by the beach. Is that cool?” I glance at her in my periphery and see she goes still.

She’s quiet for a second before she says in an almost melancholic voice, “If you’re comfortable navigating on your own, I guess you don’t need me anymore, huh?”

“No!” I insist, quickly and forcefully. “That’s not at all what I meant. I just want to be the one to takeyouout this time. You can think of it as a thank you, yeah?”

She blows air between her lips and I feel her shoulders relax against my arm. “I’ve told you so many times now. You really don’t need to thank me. I promise I’m doing all this for selfish reasons.”

“Too bad.” I turn to her and grin. “You’re getting thanked anyway.”

She mutters something about how weird I am, then faces her window. But I can see that the tips of her ears are pink and I know she’s pleased.

We sit in companionable silence for another few minutes, until we pull into the restaurant parking lot. “Le Veronique?” Ella Kate asks in disbelief. “We’re eating at Le Veronique? How? Even in the off-season, you still have to call weeks in advance for a reservation.” Her green eyes are wide and her mouth is popped open.

Keeping my tone nonchalant, I casually reply, “Oh, really? The resort apparently partnered with them a while back, so I was able to get a reservation pretty easily.” Lies. Ididcall weeks ago, hoping I could get this beautiful woman to put up with me long enough to take her somewhere nice and show her how much I appreciate her.

She turns in her seat to look at me. “I can’t go in there looking like this!” She gestures to herself.I don’t see the problem.Beneath her peacoat, she’s wearing a dark gray cardigan, a black tank top, and dark-wash skinny jeans. And, of course, her favorite Doc Martens. She looks stunning, as always.

“Why not?” I ask, not understanding what’s wrong.

“I look like crap,” she exclaims before gesturing to me. “Especially next to you.” She slumps down and crosses her toned arms over her ample breasts.

Don’t look at her tits, Peter, and focus.

“What do you mean,next to me?”

“You always look so perf—” She promptly shuts her mouth, suddenly realizing what she was about to say.A swell of pride arises within me, knowing she thinks I look good. No, she thinks I lookperfect, and that makes me smile.

I untangle her arms to grasp her hand, but she only looks at me with a worried crease between her brows.

“Ella Kate,youlook perfect. I promise,” I tell her sincerely. She blinks a few times and her concerned expression wanes ever so slightly. It’s not completely gone, but even the small change makes me feel better.

“If you say so,” she concedes, softer than I’ve ever heard her speak, and my heart melts.