Page 9 of That's a Wrap

Peter, that madman, is calling me before the sun is even up. I click the red decline button and get a few blissful seconds of silence before my phone vibrates again. Sighing, I resign myself to the fact that I’m awake now and hold my cell to my ear.

“What?” I growl into the receiver, my voice still thick and gravelly with sleep.

“Good morning, sleepyhead!” Peter sings, sounding way too chipper and awake.

I’m in no mood to play games and cut right to the chase. “It’s five thirty in the morning, Peter. What the hell do you want?”

“Actually, it’s five thirty-six.”

Ugh.I refrain from screaming out loud. “Peter, I swear to God and all that is holy, if you called just to correct me, I’ll spend the rest of my life giving you a swift kick to the balls every time you ask someone what time it is.”

There’s a pause, and for once I think I finally have the upper hand, that I put him in his place. But then he replies, in an almost-sensual voice, “So what you’re saying is you want to spend the rest of your life with me?”

My core flutters from his words, but I ignore it. “I’m hanging up now.”

I’m already pulling the phone away from my face, but stop when he sputters, “Wait, wait! It’s our D-Day, pretty girl. We can’t start it off on a bad foot…”

“It’s our what day?” I ask, almost hating how he can amuse me even when I’m grumpy from just waking up.

“Our D-Day. It’s Date Day.”

It’s ridiculous, but kind of cute, and he sounds so proud of himself that I can’t hold back a breathy laugh. I hear him clear his throat on the other end of the line, suggesting he may be a little embarrassed.

“You probably shouldn’t call it that,” I tell him, my voice finally clearing up. “It’s not even a real date, anyway. I’m just showing you around town.”

“Semantics, Ella Kate. Sounds to me like you’re being overly technical,” he replies, his voice lower than before. It sends a shiver through my body.

I’m just cold. It’s definitely not his voice turning me on.

“I’m being realistic,” I correct.

He hums, as if he’s pondering my words. “Call it what you want, but I get you all to myself today, and I’m not wasting a second of it. So forgive me if I want to get an early start. I’ll be there in forty minutes to pick you up, okay?”

It’s hard to argue with a sexy man who wants to spend time with me, even if he’s crazy, makes terribly lame jokes, and calls you before sunrise.

“Okay.” I sigh, before raising my arms above my head, quietly moaning as I stretch my muscles.

Peter swears something under his breath, then clears his throat again. “Scratch that. I’ll be there in half an hour.”

“Huh?” I rub the sleep from my eyes.

“Nothing,” he mutters. “I’ll see you in a bit, beautiful. Be sure to dress warm.”

“Wait… What—” I start, but he’s already hung up. I pull the phone away from my ear and stare at it.

What have I gotten myself into?

I getready for the day by quickly brushing my teeth before throwing on a chunky navy-blue sweater, fitted jeans, and my favorite pair of Doc Martens. After running a brush through my thick hair, I pull it into a high ponytail at the crown of my head. For a second, I debate whether or not to put on makeup, but ultimately decide against it.

It’s not like this is a date or anything, right?

It’s just two people going around town, trying to find spots that’ll attract new tourists. It’s purely platonic. Well, not even that, considering we’re not actually friends.

With a few minutes to spare, I tiptoe down the stairs, careful not to creak any floorboards so I don’t disturb my parents. There’s no reason for all of us to be awake before the sun is up. I’m about to stop by the kitchen to make myself some coffee when I see headlights approaching through the living roomwindow. I crack open the front door and poke my head outside, the chill from the cool morning air making me shiver.

“Peter?” I whisper-shout, being mindful of the neighbors at this early hour.

He vacates his vehicle and stands with his right arm resting on the roof and a charming smile on his face. “Hey, Sunshine. You ready to go?”