“You’re right,” I tell her, making up my mind while untying my apron. “Is it alright if I leave early? I have a flight I need to book.”
“Of course, sweet girl.” She gives me a fierce hug. “I’m so proud of you, Ella Kate.”
“Thanks, Mom.” I kiss her on the cheek and head for the door. “Love you!”
“Love you more!” she shouts as I step out onto the sidewalk.
It takes me a few steps to realize I’m not getting wet on my way to my car. I look up to see the rain has stopped and the clouds have slightly parted to reveal the sun. I take a deep breath and continue walking down the street, feeling lighter than I’ve felt in years.
I think it’s time to make some life-changing plans.
Within a few days, I am in contact with the Monarch Bay Resort & Spa and book my travel arrangements to California. My life feels like it’s gone through so many changes in the past week, and my head won’t stop spinning.
My flight is set to take off later this morning, so I leave my house early with all of my luggage, prepared to weather the long haul. I’m riding in a black town car sent by the resort. I’m scared and excited, but I think I’m ready to take on this new challenge.
Well, almost ready.
Since I have some extra time before I need to be at the airport, I ask the driver if he’ll make a quick stop for me, which he kindly agrees to do. When we pull in front of the Magnolia Point Resort, I take a deep breath to center myself, then head inside. Serendipitously, as soon as I walk in, I spot Jeremy, a cute but quiet guy who often stops by the cafe.
“Psst! Jeremy!” I hiss, trying to get his attention.
He turns around and smiles when he sees it’s me. “Hey, Elle! How’s it going?”
“I’m good. How’re you? How’s your dad?” I inquire.
“He’s feeling much better. Thanks for asking. And thanks for sending him the soup last week.”
“Of course. Glad he’s feeling better.”
His smile widens into a grin. “What can I do for you?”
“Um…” I rub the back of my neck. “Is, uh… Is Peter around?”
Jeremy checks his watch. “Hmm, he should be done with his morning meeting by now. Want me to bring you to his office?”
I blink a few times as anxiety seeps in. “Are you sure that would be alright?”
“I’m sure he’ll forgive me,” Jeremy counters with a conspiratorial wink, then leads me toward the back of the building.
We weave through a few people and hallways before finally approaching a large corner office. Jeremy knocks, then pokes his head inside. “Excuse me, sir. I have your 9:30 appointment out here waiting for you.”
“What?” I hear Peter ask from inside, and the sound of his voice after a full week of not speaking to each other makes my skin break out in goose bumps. “I don’t have a 9:30. If this is a walk-in, just tell them to reschedule for another time.”
“Oh, I think you’ll want to see this one, sir.” Jeremy grins over his shoulder before ushering me inside the office.
Peter stands with his back to us and a file open in front of his face. As he turns around, I can see he’s pinching the bridge of his nose. “Jeremy, seriously. I’m not in the moo—” His words die off when he looks up and sees me nervously wringing my hands.
“Hi,” I greet shyly when he doesn’t say anything.
“Hi…” he replies, seemingly in shock that I’m here. When he snaps himself out of his stupor, he puts his file down and rummages around his desk. “Uh, can I get you something? Water, coffee, anything?”
I wave a dismissive hand in front of me. “No, I’m okay. Thank you.” I’m so anxious I feel like I could puke.
Jeremy cuts in, reminding us he’s still here. “If you two are good, I’ll just head back out front. Let me know if you need anything, boss.”