This all feels too real.
All at once, I come alive with the realization that I fell asleep. I fuckingslept, leaving me vulnerable at a time I need to have a brick wall erected around me.
The warm, morning sun shines through shut eyelids that, before a second ago, were content to remain closed. I’m no longer sitting up against a headboard, but rather lying in bed. On the mattress actually, which is on the floor from where I’ve dragged it amidst my destruction.
I’m not alone.
I yank my hand away, distraught that even in sleep, I wentthere. That I didn’t hear Zeno’s return, or felt him carry me to bed, and worst of fucking all: to believe touching him was only in my dream.
Zeno grins from beside me and props his head on one arm. “You always this twitchy when you wake?”
Growling, I roll from the mattress and onto the floor, immediately getting to my feet. I scan the room, seeking my makeshift stake, not that it’ll do much good now. I planned on the element of surprise, but he’ll see it coming now.
Zeno slowly sits up, and I hate how my gaze immediately goes to where the sunlight glows across his bare chest. His hair sticks up in a few different directions and his amused smile makes him seem younger and much more innocent.
“In my defence,” he starts before my muddled thoughts form semi-coherent sentences, “youstarted touching me, not the other way around. I kept my hands to myself. I really assumed you’d wake to the sound of me showering last night, or at the very least, when I carried you from the floor to the bed. You’re welcome for that, by the way. Sleep any longer in the position you were in, your neck would be kinked by now.”
Ignoring him, I scan the room again, finally spotting my makeshift stake abandoned by the footboard. Perhaps it’ll still be useful in the coming hours or days: however long it takes my Elite to arrive.
“When did you get back?” My question stems from the fact I’m still disturbed I didn’t hear him moving around last night. All my training and what good did it do for me?
Zeno swings his feet to the side and stands, stretching as he does. His muscles ripple in the sunlight and I look away, not willing any weakness to win. His gaze finds my weapon before scanning the centre of the room and the destruction left.
“Around midnight. Nice job on the room, by the way. Love the mess.”
Then he heads to the bathroom, as thoughanyof this is normal. I’m stuck standing within the mess I’ve created, and the weapon which I pick up, needing the sensation of protection.
When he returns a few minutes later, he’s dressed in a Henley and a pair of faded jeans. It’s so casual, it’s strange to see, considering I’d grown up around men who never dared to wear anything remotely comfortable.
He’s typing on his phone but immediately glances my way, pausing on the weapon in my hand. “Breaking my nightstand was kind of you.”
“Kidnapping me was kind of you,” I counter, bringing the wood up closer to me.
He crosses the room slowly, coming to stand in front of me. I angle the stake out, a silent threat that he ignores. “What’s your plan with that?”
“What’s the plan with me?” I counter again. “I can do this all day, Zeno. For every stupid question you ask, I have one of my own.”
He smirks. “Then I suppose I’ll answer it myself. You destroyed my bedroom in hopes to find something useful. Whenyou didn’t, you made a weapon. It’s inventive, I’ll admit, though I wonder why now? Why now have you decided to protect yourself when yesterday, you walked right through the front door without any hesitation?”
“Return me to Russia and I’ll leave you in peace to clean up my mess.”
He hums, which seems more like a chuckle. “Cleaning up Volkov messes seems to be my full-time job lately. You’ve forgotten the heart-to-heart we had yesterday?”
Of course I hadn’t. Whoever Serafina is, is at the centre of the war. A woman scorned, perhaps. Someone Papa tried to move on with after Mama’s death. Someone from Italy, hence the connection to Zeno. There’s a million and one possibilities and while I want the truth, I want my freedom more.
Zeno takes another step toward me, and I quickly lift the wood, positioning the sharp, jagged tip against his chest.
His left brow hikes slightly. “You do that, you’ll be slaughtered before you can escape the property.”
“Might be worth it. Better than being left in limbo.”
His expression pinches. “Never imagined the Merciless Queen giving in so easily.”
“More proof you don’t really know me.” Despite the years of stalking me, to which he admitted to. But he’s only seen the outside.
“No, guess I don’t,” he murmurs in a considering tone before gesturing to his chest. “Do it. You think you can kill me and run off free, what’s stopping you from ramming that into my chest?”
Nothing. Nothing at all.