“If it isn’t that anymore? Not completely.”
Did he just admit—? No, impossible.“You’re fucking with me because you’re seeking amusement. But some of us are busy running an organization and don’t have time for this pettiness. Go home, Zeno, and give up.”
He smirks, reaching for my chin and twisting my head around to face him. I throw every level of hatred I can into my expression, hoping he reads how I’m slowly depicting his death.
The longer we stare at one another, the longer my jaw aches, and the longer his amusement leaks into sadness; his smirk lowering for a flattened mouth. Just when I think he’s finally accepting how serious I am, he throws me for a damn loop.
“You really don’t trust people.”
“We’ve established that.” I jerk my head back, realizing he’s still holding me, and remembering every reason I shouldn’t let him. “End this marriage and be done with me. Hell, I’ll even consider you an ally from here on out. Need a favour; I’ll support it.”
“No,” he whispers, ignoring my tangent, “this is different. There’s trusting and avoiding. You know what I think?” He goes on without waiting for my answer. Without waiting for me to say that I don’t give a fuck about what he thinks. “I think you’re not used to someone caring about you. You lost your mother young, your father used you for his own gains, and your uncle never supported you. You keep a small group close to you, and they’re the only people you allow in because you don’t want to be hurt. By having casual hookups, you’ll never open your heart to anyone. You avoid your emotional needs by satisfying your physical ones.”
My heart pounds a bit quicker, but for no reason other than anxiety—at least, that’s what I tell myself. Anxiety that he’s dissecting me in such ways,assuminghe knows anything about me.
“You’re saying you care about me? That this,” I nod my chin in the space between us, “is anything beyond physical?”
“There’s something about you, Vanessa. Noticed it right away, even before speaking to you. Since I crashed into your life, nothing’s gone how it should.”
“Stop.” I shut my eyes, blocking him out. Blocking his words out.
“Vanessa.” He cups my face, but I rear back so quick, the bar jabs into my back in a bruising kind of pain.
“Stop touching me.” It comes out as a firm hiss. “Just…stop, Zeno. Let me go.” With a sigh, I let him see true emotion on my face.
Zeno falls back on his seat, granting me a few extra and much needed inches of space. “Fine.”
“Answer for an answer.”
My heart stutters to a pause with the all too familiar game that we somehow find ourselves continuing to play. “There’s nothing I want to?—”
His question robs my rejection. “Explain to me why you’re all I’ve thought about the past few days.”
Fuck. No. Stop.“Because you have something wrong in your brain.”
His lips twitch, fighting a smile. “Your turn.”
There’s nothing I want to know. Just one thing I need.
Escape. To breathe again.
With the extra space he’s granted me, my arms lower by my side, reaching for the gun he pointed out earlier. I slip it from the holster and bring it between us, twisting it to the side until the barrel’s end is prodding into the bottom of his chin.
“Do it.” His eyes glint with challenge.
Except we both know I won’t.
His chin dips, digging into the weapon, but shows no sign of pain. “If you won’t ask a question, then I’ll steal yours. Is there a part of you—even the tiniest part—that does not despise me?”
He won’t stop. Lie or not, no matter my response, it won’t change his actions. He’ll twist it to his own needs.
With an emptying tone, I lower the gun. “Return to Italy. Find a woman who’ll love you. Goodbye, Zeno, and don’t let me see you in my territory again.”
I step to the side, breaking his hold to the bar, and stride out the building without glancing behind me.
But the interaction trails me out like an unwelcome shadow.