Page 112 of Merciless Queen

His lips purse in a contemplative way before shaking his head. “Mancini, you must realize I considered that before agreeing to the deal. It was struck and signed, so there’s nothing you can do about it.”

In the corner, Nero coughs a muffled, “Douche!”

Beneath the desk, I grip the edge of my chair, casting much of my irritation onto it to remain focused. Rage and death may be the mob’s language, but sometimes peace and politeness are best for striking deals.

“She turned eighteen months ago. Why haven’t I heard from you before now?”

“Before now,” he repeats in a contemplative tone. “Mancini,youwere the one who reached out to me.”

That didn’t answer the question, but thewhysof it all are less important. The longer this conversation goes on, the greater my headache.

“What can I offer you to break off the agreement? One, I should clarify, that wasn’t backed by the head of her Family.”

“Ah,” his eyes glint, “but it was backed by herfather, which is all that matters.” He blinks slowly and readjusts his sleeves before folding his hands over his desk. He’s pacing out his replies on purpose, causing my irritation to grow. “Better question is, how much do you care for Pakhan Volkov?”

I stop breathing. No one beyond this villa should be aware of my interactions with Vanessa, so it confirms Vitale has spies hanging around my territory. Spies I now have to sniff out and have them dealt with.

“We had business once. That’s all.”

He smiles so wide, the camera picks up his smoke-stained yellowed teeth. “You’re very judgemental over my dealings with the Bratva for someone who’s done the same. I’ll put it like this, Mancini: I have something you need. Or rather, someone.”

He taps his computer, his face being replaced with a camera feed of a cemented room. Inside, a man paces, his balding head shining in the camera’s light. He’s dressed in a suit that’s seen better days. Wild eyes bounce around the confined space, his gaze continuously darting to the door across from him, presumably seeking escape.

The feed cuts off and Alessandro returns, his victorious expression similar to that of an Olympic gold medalist. “That man would be Boris Agapov. Heard Volkov has been hunting him for quite some time.”

Fuck, fuck, fuck.The man Vanessa’s been hunting worldwide is rightthere. A screen away. A deal away. Alessandro showed me Boris for a purpose.

“Wouldn’t it be nice to hand him over to her?” He voices the very thoughts that have driven me for the past month. “Seems our mutual friend, Ursin, mentioned me to him. Once the young Volkov rose in her father’s place, he ran from Moscow scared, begging for help. So, I kept him concealed, figuring he’d be useful eventually.”

Which explains why Vanessa’s searching hasn’t come up with anything. When Vitale wants to hide a person, he can make it happen.

“Generous. What’d he give you?”

“Money.” Alessandro shrugs. “He emptied his bank accounts for my assistance, and while I didn’t really need nor want the cash, I was too intrigued by the situation to turn him away. Running from a mob leader makes a person valuable. And look at that…his time’s up and he’s now useful.”

Now, that’s two things I need and he has. My leg bounces beneath the desk, anticipation thrumming. Forcing myself to be calm, I coolly ask, “Is this the part I request you to hand him over, or would you rather I send Volkov?”

Alessandro smirks. “This is the part where I explain, young Mancini, how making deals works. The sacrifices they take. I want your sister to wed my son. You want Agapov. So now, you much choose between the women.”

Serafina hasn’t been a daughter of the mafia since her birth, so there’s no way I’ll allow her to become the wife of one. Boris, knowing he’s with Alessandro adds complications. With Vitale aware we’re looking for him, he’ll never let the guy walk free.

“If I pick my sister, the contract is null?”

“If you choose your sister, I’llconsiderit.” The single word slithers with venom and his probable deceit. “I have no issue ending the deal and granting the girl her freedom, but you’ll need to convince my son. He’s quite fond of the idea of Serafina.”

Fucking snake.He knows exactly what he’s doing. If his son wants to pursue this, the Vitales will have clear reason to strike an attack. As much as I hate it, his earlier point was correct. While I might be the head of the Mancinis now, and therefore Serafina, the deal was originally made by her father, so the Commission will mandate the union goes forward. Which means, I could very well lose my sister even if I choose her.

“And if I choose Volkov?”

“Then Boris will be delivered to your territory shortly and my son will announce a wedding date.”

I could take the risk on his son or the Commission’s possible ruling and simply inform Vanessa where Boris is located. She can launch her own attack on Vitale and my hands will remain clean, and Serafina possibly freed from an engagement.

“I’m waiting, Mancini.”

Alessandro looks too smug. He knows I’ll pick Serafina, and he’s banking on that. Whether or not his son wants the marriage, it’s Alessandro as the head who’ll lie about their private conversation later. I see it in his expression; he has no intention of breaking the contract. He only wants to force this decision onto me. Shy of murdering his son—tempting, but would create more complications—they’ll guarantee this union goes forward.

This conversation proved one thing: Alessandro’s not seeking a deal with me. If he didn’t want Serafina, he wouldn’t have played Boris.