I half-expected her to walk out once the coast was clear, but the door never opened. Kross sat at an empty table with Megan, running down a list of information on her clipboard.
“Nova needs the night off.”
“No,” Kross replied without a second thought.
“I’m not asking,” I replied.
“She’s the closing dancer tonight, Keyes. She has to perform,” Megan chimed in.
“If Iwasn’tasking him what the fuck makes you think you’ll make me change my mind?”
Megan had been around long enough to know not to get between Kross and me. Usually, she didn’t. She’d just sit by idly, waiting for a chance to interject and keep the peace, but today was different.
Kross laughed as if he was sincerely amused.
“You’re telling me, my employee-.”
“Ouremployee,” I cut him off, correcting his sentence for him.
“Like I said, you’re telling me Nova isn’t working tonight because you want to do what?” His hands maneuvered through a series of gestures trying to figure out what the fuck I was thinking.
The problem was I didn’t even know, but I wasn’t going back on my word.
“Put it on my tab if necessary, but she’s not working tonight.”
Kross ran his hand down his face, knowing how stubborn I could be when I wanted something.
“Tell me something, Keyes. What is really going on?” Kross asked, trying to make sense of my decision.
“I’m not getting into that right now. I’m just giving you a courtesy.”
“Are you really going to let her off? Who’s going to close tonight?” Megan rattled off, shifting toward Kross.
“This mothafucka’ is going to make me kill him,”Kross groaned behind my back because I was on my way to collect the only thing that mattered right now.
Zara’s head lifted at the sound of the door opening. “Get your stuff so we can go.”
“Go where?” she asked, confused.
“Get your stuff now.” My voice was sincere but held a level of authority that made her comply despite wanting to talk shit.
Rajah was the only one bold enough to ask her what was happening while the others whispered, making assumptions. Zara didn’t say much because I was hanging on the doorframe waiting. After a quick goodbye, she marched toward me, and we headed out where Kross now had a drink because he was high-strung like his father.
Her steps slowed the closer she got to Kross. His permanent scowl intimidated most, but she had nothing to worry about.
“I’m not going if it costs me my job. I can’t afford that,” she explained nervously, looking up at Kross for permission. In time, she’d learn my word was law, but I stood behind Zara like her personal bodyguard for now.
Kross felt like I was making a mistake. He wanted to save me from myself because that’s what big brothers do, but I had to see this through, and he knew it, too.
“It won’t,” Kross said against his better judgment. “You owe me nigga.”
“It’s always theneediestcounting favors. I’ll hit you later.”
“I’ll have that invoice waiting when you do,” Kross hollered.
“He is pissed off,” she whispered in a panic over her shoulder.
“That’s for me to handle. Let’s go.” My hand guided the small of her back outside to the parking lot.