The door opened, and a frantic Sydney rushed outside, sighing in relief.
“I’ve been looking all over for you, Birthday Boy.” Her presence immediately shifted the energy. I wasn’t sure if she liked me, but I had learned one thing about Zara Nicole tonight. Women weren’t her thing.
“I need to get inside anyway,” Zara half smiled, “Happy Birthday, Keyes.”
“I appreciate that, Babygirl.”
Most women would’ve grabbed Zara by her bundles after my suggestive comment, but it only turned Sydney on. She couldn’t resist watching Zara head for the door.
The cat had Sydney’s tongue- specifically Zara’s. I had never seen her so smitten by a woman that she couldn’t get her thoughts together. Watching her try was cute, but Zara didn’t share the same sentiment, staring at Sydney in confusion.
“What are you doing after this?” I asked, hoping to give Sydney a lifeline.
“Going home.Alone,” Zara replied, folding her arms to appear serious.
“Why would you do that when you can come with us?” Sydney asked.
“I appreciate the offer, but you’ve got the wrong girl.”
“Not after that performance you put on. You could never be the wrong girl,” Zara’s eyes floated to me like she was waiting for something. “Tell me what you want, and Keyes will make it happen.”
“I want to get back to work.”
“You wouldn’t need to do that if you came with us. Just name your price,” Sydney insisted.
She was no longer star-struck. Sydney’s confidence was front and center, raking through Zara’s hair and down her chest.
“My price? You orKeyescan’t afford me.”
She lapped her eyes, moving Sydney aside. I chuckled at her insult because, once again, she didn’t know any better.Keyescould most definitely afford Zara, but I loved her confidence.
“What the fuck just happened?” Sydney fussed after the door slammed shut.
“I guess she wasn’t feeling your charm.”
“Hmm, she seemed to be feeling yours.”
“You think you’re the only one in the world digging me?”
Sydney sucked her teeth, irritated that she wasn’t getting her way.
“Fix your face. No frowning allowed on my birthday.”
“I need some titties in my face.” She complained before storming back inside the same way Zara did.
Following the scent of perfume and sweat, I found a spot in the shadows, affording me the privacy I craved, or at least the illusion, until Phoenix sat on my lap.
She was a hustler, and this was her way into my pockets. Phoenix danced as if we were the only two people in the world, and for a moment, we were until I looked up and sawher. Wewere both with other people, but Zara’s eyes didn’t leave me, and mine didn’t leave her.
“Let me know if you want to continue this party later,” Phoenix volunteered.
“I know where to find you. Thanks for the love,” I replied, handing over a stack of cash.
“It's always love for you, Keyes,” Phoenix winked.
The rest of the evening blurred into a haze of lap dances and drinks until Sydney plopped beside me.
“Are you enjoying your birthday?”