Page 179 of Tainted

“Oh! There she is. Her and herBaby Zaddy!” Jewel dragged.

I smiled, turning around as Romello guided her through the crowded club. It took Brandy much longer than Romello to warm up to the idea because she couldn’t get past the idea of Romello and me dating. In all honesty, I think she was still hung up on Otto and using that as an excuse.

I’m just glad she didn’t let that nothing-ass nigga keep her from being happy. Brandy and Romello worked better than we ever would’ve anyway.

“Hey boo!”

Brandy gave a tight-lipped smile and waved.

“Uh uh, don’t bring that negative shit up in here tonight,” Jewel fussed.

“Girl, please, you better be lucky I made it.”

“She tried not to,” Romello added, gripping her shoulders before signaling our waiter for a drink. He probably needed it after Misa’s latest stunt.

“I need a damn drink, and I can’t have one,” Brandy complained.

“No, you cannot,” Jewel said, moving the bottle away.

“I would never drink while pregnant. Who do you take me for? Misa,” Brandy snipped.

Jewel and I shared a look. Jewel wanted to say something by the quiver of her lips.

“I got something for you,” I announced, climbing to my feet and heading for the bar. I had Tambra make Brandy a cute mocktail that lifted her spirits.

“Let me holla at you real quick,” Kenyon whispered.

“Is everything okay?”

He didn’t say anything but nodded his head toward the back. If something were wrong, he wouldn’t tell me with all these ears listening, so I followed Kenyon’s lead.

“What’s wrong, Kenyon?”

“Nothing.” The laughter in his voice made me relax a little.

“What are you doing?” I giggled as Kenyon guided me down the familiar VIP hallway.

With one arm roped around my waist, he used his free hand to open the door like I couldn’t stand up alone.

“You said I need to relax, so help me relax,” he insisted, sitting down.

“I’m retired if you didn’t know.”

I didn’t know if I trusted myself on the pole anymore. My body was much different now, and I hadn’t been on one in a long time.

Kenyon frowned, and his neck buckled, “Retired to them, but I’m not them.”

“This private dancer doesn’t work for free, and bringing me out of retirement isn’t cheap.”

“I’m good for it.”

“Rajah told me that a good dancer never accepts IOUs. You gotta pay to play,” I flirted, playing along.

“If I’m paying, I want the full experience.”

“Then you better go get my money.”

Kenyon paused for a second, wondering if I was serious. I nodded toward the door, and he smirked and climbed to his feet. This little game was fun, but part of me was nervous, especially when Kenyon returned holding a stack of bills.