Zara was her own woman. She didn’t need me policing her every move, but certain things weren’t an option now that Kyce was here, and dancing at the club was one of them.
“Megan left. I need help keeping things afloat until I can get someone new full-time.”
“She left because you wouldn’t fuck her? Or did she leave because you stopped fucking her?”
“Focus Keyes. I hit her up, but she hasn’t replied yet.”
“So you’re trying to slut me out to get Zara to say yeah?”
“You’ve let her slut you out for less, so what’s the problem?” Kross joked.
“Fuck you, nigga. If Babygirl hasn’t answered, I don’t know what you want me to do.”
“Since we’re not washing any of the money here, the club must stay afloat. To do that, I need help so I can focus on that and not all the other shit.”
That was my one stipulation when I agreed to Javier’s deal. Throttle House had to remain clean, with no ifs, ands, or buts.
“Then speed up the recruitment process and get some help.”
“I’ll ask, but that’s the best I can do,” I replied, packing up because it was my favorite time of day.
Kross was right. The club was important, but I wasn’t sure if Zara was the solution. We were busy enough trying to balance Kyce, each other, and our own obligations. We walked out ofthe building discussing possible solutions when when Romello caught up with us.
"Yo, Keyes hold up," he called, jogging over from the garage.
"What’s up?" I asked, turning to face him.
Romello shifted his weight, looking a little unsure. "One of the suppliers sent the wrong setup for the throttle systems, and now the teams can’t test the builds. We’re running out of time before the qualifiers.”
I frowned, rubbing my chin. That wasn’t something we could afford to mess up this close to race day. "You’re sure it’s on them? Not a mistake on our side?"
"Yeah, I triple-checked the specs. It’s definitely on them," Romello said, his tone firm. "But we’ve got no time to wait for replacements unless we expedite the order. I need to know if I should push for the swap or try to make these parts work for now."
I nodded, glancing briefly at Kross, who didn’t say a word, just watching the exchange. "Expedite the replacements, but see how you can keep things on schedule. I don’t want us falling behind this close to the season opener."
Romello looked relieved, nodding quickly. "I’ll handle it."
"Thanks," I said, and as he jogged back toward the garage. We continued toward the exit without a word, and Kross chuckled, “What’s so funny?”
“You. I never thought you’d be so cool with a nigga that fucked your girl.”
“Then you don’t know me that well. If she’s mine, he could never fuck her and watch your mouth,” I warned.
“Talk to Zara for me, and I’ll hit you later,” Kross tossed his hand up, strolling to his car while I climbed in mine.
My jealous side only came out when I couldn’t have Zara myself. Something about other people having her in a way I couldn’t triggered my insecurities. After all the shit we’d beenthrough, I wasn’t worried about Romello or any other man. He was smart and knew cars well, so when he applied, I hired him. I had never been the type to stop a nigga’s money, especially when he had a baby of his own on the way.
Zara had to fill in at the studio last minute, so Kyce had been with my mom all morning. The thought of seeing my little girl made everything else fade into the background.
Letting myself in the house didn’t feel as dull and stark anymore with Kyce’s toys everywhere. Mom tried to hide her happiness when I told her Zara was pregnant, but it gave her something to do as a retired homemaker and widow.
Kyce Amour Keyes was the happiest baby I had ever seen. Zara said I was biased. I didn’t rule it out because my baby was perfect.
“Thanks for watching Kyce.” I leaned down and kissed my mother’s cheek before scooping my mini-me in my arms.
“I told Zara she could stay the night.”