“Happy 21stBirthday.” Sydney rolled her eyes, but Curtis chuckled at my comment.
“Kenyon! It’s good to see you again.”
“Thanks for the invite.”
“You are family. You’re welcome here anytime,” Curtis assured me.
“I appreciate that.”
“Open your gift, Papa,” Sydney suggested.
Curtis playfully shook the bag before digging inside. His eyes grew three sizes, pulling the box out.
“An Original Airfix Aston Martin DB5 James Bond Edition!” Even at eighty, you could feel the excitement in his voice, “How the hell did you find this?”
“It wasn’t easy, that’s for damn sure.” Curtis wasn’t listening to anything I said. He was still in shock, staring at the James Bond-themed packaging.
“Man, you’re gonna have to come by and help me with this,” he suggested.
“I got you, and when you’re ready for the afterparty, let me know,” I whispered, but Sydney had ears like a bloodhound.
“Oh, I will.”
“Alright, that’s enough. I’ll go put this up.” Sydney held the box against the fabric of her blue dress before heading down the hall.
“When I’m eighty, I’m trying to be like him.” I chuckled, peering back, watching Curtis two-step as I followed Sydney.
“You would.” Sydney turned for the kitchen to oblige her grandfather’s request, and I followed. “His girlfriend is here. Mom is not happy about that.”
“Mom has to relax sometimes.”
She sucked her teeth because she knew all too well about her mom’s controlling ways. Sydney spent many afternoons pacing my bedroom, complaining that Catherine wouldn’t let her grow up and be her own person.
“She needs to but won’t. All they care about is Dad’s campaign.”
Sydney came from a long lineage of politicians, from judges to lobbyists and congress members.
The celebration was in full swing. Cousins chasing each other around the house, and aunts and uncles deep in conversations. Sydney eventually emerged, forcing her mom to dance with her so she could stop shooting daggers at Curtis’s new girlfriend. Finally, the food was ready, and Sydney’s aunt, Carline, took it upon herself to bless it.
“Amen! Now, let’s eat!” Carline announced.
“Umm, Sydney. Make that man a plate,” Aunt Carline fussed.
“It’s just Keyes,” she frowned while I played hurt.
“Hell, I thought you all would be married by now,” Aunt Carline continued, making Sydney so uncomfortable that her cheeks grew red.
“Or at least have a baby.” Another relative chimed in, and if looks could kill Carline’s slow turnaround, it would’ve done it.
Sydney held herself together long enough to rush out of the living room.
“Really Samantha! We need a zipper for that big ass mouth!” Carline stewed.
“I don’t think a zipper would hold,” Mrs. Jackson scolded.
“What did I say?” Samantha asked, looking around the room in confusion.
“I’ll check on her,” Mr. Jackson volunteered, maintaining the façade of a good father in front of his family. However, Mrs. Jackson grabbed his arm and pointed to me instead.