Page 160 of Tainted

The flashing lights of patrol cars quickly filled the street after Sydney called 911. Her face was flushed, and her hands clasped in her lap, answering their questions. Sydney was holding it together so far but couldn’t keep her hands out of her hair. A sign that I needed to step in.

As I walked up, one of the officers asked Syd, “Do you know him?”

“Yeah,” she said smoothly. “He’s my best friend. We grew up together.”

The officer nodded but didn’t take his eyes off Sydney. “She’s had a rough night.”

Sydney’s head shot up, relief flickering in her eyes. The officer glanced at his partner, then back at me. “We have a few more questions.”

She was trying, but I could see her falling apart at the seams.

“And how long were you in the house before you heard the noise?” the officer asked, his pen ready.

“I got here around four, I think,” Sydney replied, her voice higher than usual. Her hands started shaking, and I could tell she was on the verge of losing it.

“What did you do when you heard the noise?”

“I called out for my Dad, but he didn’t answer,” she replied.

“Then what happened?” he pressed for more details, making Syd run her fingers through her hair again.

I stepped in, placing a firm hand on her shoulder, squeezing just enough to let her know I had her back. “Officer, it’s been a long night. She’s shaken up.”

The officer paused, eyeing me for a second before nodding. “Alright. We’ll follow up if we need anything else.”

Sydney gave me a grateful look. As the officers wrapped up, one of our old neighbors, Mrs. Gray, stepped outside.

“Kenyon, is that you?” Mrs. Gray called out, squinting into the night. “I thought I recognized that car.”

“Yeah, it’s me,” I said, offering a quick wave. “Just here for Syd.”

Mrs. Gray shook her head, walking up to us. “I can’t believe all this. I’m so sorry for your loss, baby!” Sydney couldn’t muster a response, so she just smiled instead. “You make sure she’s alright now, you hear?”

“I will,” I promised, giving her a polite smile before turning back to Sydney. “Come on, let’s get you out of here.”

I wrapped my arm around her shoulder, and Sydney leaned into me, her body trembling with the weight of what had just happened. Helping her into the car, I glanced back at the house and circled to the driver’s side. It wasn’t over yet, but for now, we had pulled this off. To keep it that way, I needed to keep an eye on her. Sydney was fragile right now, and any crack in the story was a risk I couldn’t take.

We pulled into the driveway, and Nolan promptly chuckled and hopped out, knowing shit could potentially hit the fan.

“Zara’s inside. I’m not going to have any problems tonight, will I?”

Sydney rolled her eyes while wisps of hair framed her face, telling me how she felt about that.

“As if this night couldn’t get any worse,” she retorted coldly.

“What’s your beef with my girlfriend?”

“Girlfriend?” Sydney doubled over, laughing. “Slow down, Keyes.”

“Why is that so fuckin’ funny?”

“I know you think you’re the holy grail of men, but you’re not really boyfriend material.”

I raised an eyebrow, leaning back against the seat. "You never really know what you’re made of until somebody gives you a chance to prove it.”

Her smirk faded, pushing the door open, “Let’s get this over with.”

“It’s the price you pay for my help. I could’ve left you stranded after that little speech you gave me last time we talked.”