“About as obvious as he was at the bowling alley.”
“While we’re on the subject ofobvious,” I shot up on my legs, “What’s going on with you and Brandy?”
“Brandy?” he repeated, shaking his head, “Nothing. Brandy is the homie.”
“Maybe it should be. Thanks for the advice.” I smiled and scooped up my cup.
I wasn’t even sure why I picked it up. The cup was empty, but I needed something in my hands as I nervously walked across the yard, praying Kenyon didn’t embarrass me because I’d be forced to embarrass us both.
“Slow down, Cowboy.”
“Take your own advice. That’s your 4th cup,” he replied, a muscle quivering in his jaw.
“So you’ve been watching me?” I asked, playfully trying to ease the tension between us.
“I’m always watching you.”
Kenyon’s honesty was enough to relax my shoulders and smirk.
“I’ve been drinking hooch since I was fourteen. Nothing on that table will get me drunk, but I’ve been drinking nothing but lemonade for the last two hours. You’re not a very good student.”
“I haven’t had anybody complaining about the thermostat in days. My head is a ‘lil fucked up.”
“If you wanted me home, that’s all you had to say.”
“I never told you to leave,” Kenyon refuted.
“You didn’t ask me to stay either.”
Kenyon surrendered. “I don’t wanna fight Babygirl, but some nights it won’t feel good. Every day isn’t a fairytale, but it’s home, so we figure it out. Not run, I thought you would’ve known that.”
Maybe I should’ve, but running when things got hard was all I knew. It was all I’d been shown.
“It’s hard not to run when I’m begging for your help, and you’re staring at me like I’m insane. I was so scared.Amscared,” I corrected myself, fumbling with my empty cup, “And you just stood there like it didn’t matter.”
Kenyon sat quietly, taking in my words while music and hushed conversations played in the background.
“You always matter, and I have to work on not just saying it but showing you when it matters.” Kenyon scratched the back of his neck awkwardly, then glanced at me, a little sheepish, “You forgive me?” He tried to lighten the mood with a small, almost embarrassed smile. “I’m still in boyfriend training. Working through problems is new.” Kenyon’s bottom lip sagged, hoping to soften my expression. “I’m out here winging it, but I’m trying.”
“Boyfriend in training, huh?”
Kenyon chuckled and nodded, a little relieved. His apology felt sincere, but I didn’t want to gloss over what started the argument. This just wasn’t the place to get into it.
“You better keep trying, then.”
Kenyon grinned, shaking his head. "Trust me, I will. I'm a quick learner."
“I wanna go home,” I admitted.
“Don’t be that girl that makes up with her man and dips on her friends. Even if he looks as good as me.” Kenyon and all his confidence was back. “I got you in a ‘lil bit, though.”
“Hey, Keyes,”Sabrinacooed, batting her lashes as she held out the plate. “You hungry?”
How she looked at him and completely ignored, my presence set me off. Before Kenyon could answer, I knocked the plate over, and the food scattered across the ground.
“Are you fuckin’ serious?” Sabrina snapped, stepping toward me, her hand pulling back to swing, but Kenyon’s arm shot out, blocking her from getting to me.
“We’re not doing that tonight!”