Page 128 of Tainted

Sonya raised an eyebrow, a small smile playing on her lips as I rambled through her accolades. I realized I was babbling but couldn’t seem to stop myself.

“It took me weeks to learn the choreography from The Last Dance," I paused, realizing how ridiculous I sounded. “Sorry. I’m just nervous.”

Her smile widened slightly, and she nodded, amused. “That’s kind of you, but tell me, what doyouwant to do with all that admiration?"

"I want to be where you are," I said, my voice a little steadier. "Not just on a screen or behind the camera. I want people to feel something when they see me dance, the way I’ve always felt watching you.”

There was a beat of silence, and I wondered if I’d just said the wrong thing, but Sonya nodded slowly. “That’s a good start.”

I grabbed my bag and quietly slipped out of the studio. Outside, the cool air hit my face, and I needed it. Between the audition and my conversation with Sonya, I was sweating in places I didn’t know existed. Still riding the high of my audition, I texted Brandy and Jewel.

They were hanging out at Jewel’s apartment, so I met them there because the only alternative was to go home alone. Laying in her living room, my thoughts bounced between the moves I nailed and the moments I stumbled, but more than anything, I wished I could call Kenyon. Even though we weren’t speaking, he was the only one who understood how big this was for me.

“Staring at the phone won’t make his name magically pop up,” Jewel called me out.

“Nobody is thinking about Keyes,” I groaned.

“You don’t even sound right calling him that,” Jewel joked.

I rarely did. Only when I wanted to piss him off but uttering Kenyon might’ve made me burst into tears, so I didn’t.

“It’s good to see you laughing again,” I acknowledged Brandy’s smile, even if the joke was on me.

“Trying. Nana said she’d beat my ass if I came to see her with that long face one more time.”

“And she’ll do it too,” I added.

“Back in the day, she would’ve, but Lily is soft. I get her point, though,” Brandy sighed. “Romello said lying in bed crying won’t do Otto or me any good.”

“How’s it looking?” Jewel inquired, but I didn’t care enough to ask.

“Not good. Romello said Otto is thinking about taking a plea.”

“You didn’t go see him?”

“Otto doesn’t want me to see him like that. I don’t want to add to his stress right now.” Brandy shrugged.

“What nigga is locked up and doesn’t want his girl to come see him?” Jewel asked.

“He doesn’t want me to see him locked up like some animal,” Brandy yelled, defending him.

“As long as that makes sense to you. Keep getting messages from Romello.”

“Romello’s been checking on me. He’s been really sweet, actually.”

The room stilled, and Jewel glanced at me from the corner of her eye.

“It’s not like that!” Brandy rushed out.

“Maybe it should be. Romello is the kind of guy you deserve, not one sitting in jail avoiding you,” I replied.

Romello had been nothing but kind and respectful, the type of man Rodney told me to date, while Kenyon was what he warned me to avoid. What Dad didn’t prepare me for was getting my mind and heart on the same page.

“If he’s so sweet, why did you cut him off?” Brandy asked.

“Because I don’t like him the way I like Kenyon.”

“Regardless, I can’t mess with him after you. That’s just creepy and weird,” Brandy frowned.