Page 120 of Tainted

"Thanks for the advice, but I need to get back to work,” I said, standing up and reminding him I was here as a courtesy and nothing more.

He gave me a slight nod, though the tension in the room didn’t ease. "Of course. You’re free to go."

As I turned to leave, he called after me one last time. “Just remember, sometimes the people closest to you can be the ones hiding the darkest secrets.”

I didn’t look back as I walked out, but his words echoed. Something about him wasn’t right, or the way he’d looked at me.

But I wasn’t about to let him use me against Kenyon. Not now, not ever.

Leaving the precinct, my thoughts were spinning, but I didn’t have time to process any of it. As soon as I walked through the door, Megan awaited me.

“I thought I’d at least get a thank you for putting you back on nights.”

“Why did you take me off in the first place?” I asked.

“Everybody rotates shifts except Rajah.”

“That’s funny, I can’t remember the last time I saw Phoenix or Diamond on days but thanks,” I quipped, and surprisingly she didn’t say anything just stared me down as I walked to the back.

The rest of my shift blurred by in a haze. I danced, smiled, and played my part, but my head was miles away. Time dragged, but when my shift ended, I slipped out of my uniform and tossed my belongings in my bag when I heard Rajah’s voice.

“Hey, Freshie,” Rajah called out as I got dressed. “Long time no see.”

“I know. I’m finally back on nights.”

“I hate to admit it, but I missed you,” Rajah said, not because she didn’t mean it. She was just used to keeping her feelings to herself. “How did you get off her shit list?”

“No clue. Can’t even tell you how I got on it.”

Rajah finished opening her locker before she turned around.

“A bitch will hate you just for being you. Or because of how other people treat you like you can help that. Either way, that’s on them. Don’t stress about what a bitch won’t speak on.”

Being the oldest, I was used to giving advice rather than receiving it. Rajah was like the older sister I always wanted, dropping life gems.

“I love how you don’t care what anyone says about you.”

“Why should I? I can’t take that shit to the rent office, and it definitely won’t help me feed that grown man disguised as a child living in my house. But the upside is you’ll be off on my birthday. I need you to do my hair, and you can’t say no to the birthday girl.”

“What do you want done?”

“A lil’ half up and half down action.” Rajah looped her arm inside mine, laying on my shoulder for dramatic effect, “You got me?”

“Yes, but make sure you get the right hair, too. Even my skills can’t make bad bundles look good.”

Rajah danced to show her excitement.

“Of course. You know the queen has to come correct for her birthday.”

“You’re crazy, girl. I have to go. I’ll see you later.”

“Going home to seeKeyes?” Rajah asked, but it wasn’t a question. I could tell from the smirk on her face.

“Don’t start.”

“What?” She dragged out. “I’m curious, but you’re keeping me in the dark like a peasant.”

“Why are they so worried about me?”