Page 110 of Tainted

“Who the fuck are you?” I asked.

“Andre is my husband!” Misa declared in a way that made Brandy suck her teeth.

I spun around, confused as to why he was even speaking while Kenyon’s jaw ticked, before delivering a warning.

“Nigga nobody was talking to you! Stay out of women’s business,” Kenyon groaned, annoyed that he’d opened his mouth.

“Who the hell do you think you are? Nobody was talking to you either!” Misa fussed, but Kenyon didn’t budge or repeat himself.

He stood there devilishly handsome with his hands in his pockets, “I’d be careful talking to me crazy. That lil’ chain of pizza shops might encounter problems your pockets can’t handle.”

Andre’s eyes grew wide, confirming Kenyon wasn’t just blowing smoke. I didn’t even know about his chain of pizza shops so how the hell did Kenyon.

“We just wanna see Nana,” Brandy explained, trying to keep the peace.

“Andre said she’s resting, so you can either wait, or I can haveallof you thrown out! It’s my name on the paperwork, not you, or you,” she bitched, pointing at me and then Brandy.

“Your name on that paperwork won’t matter when you get to those gates, and God asks why you hate your own child.” Brandy quickly spun on her heels, not giving Misa time to reply.

My gaze narrowed, wondering how my favorite Auntie turned into this selfish ass bitch standing before me, clenching her purse strap. I was stuck, learning so much about my own family in real time.

“I’ll come get you if the doctor comes out, but Brandy needs you right now.” Kenyon nudged his head toward Brandy.

“Thank you.”

I appreciated Kenyon’s support but didn’t know what to say. Misa was still leaning against the wall with her husband planted in front of her, stroking her arms. I didn’t understand Andre any more than Aunt Misa because Rodney would never.

Tearing myself away from the visual, I walked down the hallway, which looked much further from the other end.

“Don’t look at me like that,” Brandy fussed, halting my steps.

“Like what?” I asked because the script in my head had yet to tell me how to navigate this situation.

“Like I’m broken or something.”

Lowering into the seat, I grabbed her hand, interlocking our fingers. I let the silence wrap us in a warm hug while resting my head on her shoulder.

“I don’t think you’re broken, but I do think it hurts. You pretend to be fine because you can’t change her. I also think you shouldn’t be so hard on yourself for not being fine. She’s your mom-.”

Brandy chuckled, cutting off my sentence. “Misa has never been a mother to me. Not like her other kids.”

“Have you met your siblings before?”

“A few times. That’s all it took to learn they were a family, and I was a painful reminder of her past.”

“When did this happen? I always thought you guys were close.”

“That’s because Nana made her. Whenever you guys visited, she’d wear the mask and pretend she cared. That’s why I never wanted you guys to leave. I even begged Aunt Shana to move back.”

“Wow, and all along, I thought you used to cry because I was leaving you,” I joked.

“I was sad about that, but also because once you guys left, I knew my mom would too. Now Otto’s gone, too, for God knows how long. What if-?”

“Don’t.” I closed my eyes, swallowing the lump in my throat. “She’ll be fine. As for you, I’m sorry about Misa.”

Brandy's expression was saddened yet understanding. “I’m sorry, too.”

“What are you sorry for?” I asked, furrowing my brow.