“I know you can, but you’re meeting Javier alone in an unfamiliar city. He’s not the most predictable man, and if he strikes, you’re outnumbered,” I explained.
Kross’s jaw relaxed and spread into a proud smile.
“Lemuel is meeting me down there.”
“Oh, so y’all nigga’s are going to be in Miami living it up while I’m here doing all the work.”
“It won’t kill your ass. I have to go pack.”
I followed Kross out until I turned the corner, and Zara’s gaze bore into me. I could hear the tinkle of laughter leaning on the counter, talking to Nolan.
“Looks like you’ll have plenty to do here.” Kross joked, throwing his hand up at her before opening the door to leave.
“What do you need to complain about today?” I asked.
“What happens if I don’t pay my rent?” She asked, leaning on the counter while toying with the money order.
“Your ass will be homeless. That’s what happens.”
“There’s no discount for family and friends?”
“This isn’t Footlocker, so unless you like sleeping outside, you might want to hand that over.”
I turned to head to my office while Zara mumbled in the distance until the door opened, and Miss Hernandez stormed in, talking so fast that I barely understood what she was saying. I slipped effortlessly into Spanish to defuse the situation because she always complained.
Miss Hernandez calmed down enough for Nolan to submit a maintenance request while I walked to my office. Zara didn’t plan on following me, but I didn’t mind because it was her.
“I didn’t know you speak Spanish,” she probed, her eyes sparkling with curiosity.
“I like to keep you guessing. Keeps the romance alive,” I flirted.
She lowered her thick black lashes before demanding, “Say something in Spanish, and I’ll forgive you for not discounting my rent.”
"Hoy luces radiante, pero tu frente es grande?*," I murmured as I settled into my office chair.
Zara's lips parted in a soft gasp. "What does it mean?"
I leaned closer, my voice dropping to a husky whisper. “It means you look radiant today,” I explained, relishing at her now flushed cheeks. “But your forehead isgrande.” I looked up just in time to see Zara scowling. “You working tonight?”
“Yes, why?” Her tone was curt, likely expecting another insult while I pecked at the keys.
“I figured. What look are we going for?”
“I can’t tell Nova’s secrets, but you should pull up for the show. I think you’d get a kick out of it.”
“Why is that?”
She giggled and subconsciously shrugged. “You have to find out for yourself, duh! And don’t forget those stacks when you come.”
“I’ll see what I can do, Zara Nicole.”
Her neck fell to the side, irritated. “I’ve asked you very nicely to stop calling me that. Now we’re about to square up!”
“I’ve asked you to stop, too, butKenyon Keyeskeeps rolling off your pretty ass lips.” Zara watched me stand up and rest my palms on her thighs. “Now what?”
“If we’re going to be friends,” her dainty hand nudged me backward to create some distance, “You can’t call me Zara. No exceptions.”
“I like Zara. Besides that shiny forehead and slick mouth, she’s aite.”