Page 78 of Tainted

“I made the principals list, so my father surprised me. We spent hours in the garage, designing and building it from scratch. It was supposed to be the prototype for my car brand.”

The memory of that day was etched in my brain. That day, there were no arguments that Mom had to diffuse.

“The Keyes Thunder GT,” I smirked, and Zara leaned closer, her mouth slightly ajar, hungry for more details. Unfortunately, there weren’t any more that I could share. We had plans for the Quantum S model and the Blaze V8, but a war with the Black Vipers occupied Pops for the next few months.

“I like that. Maybe you can name the next one after me.”

Leaning over, I grabbed Zara by the waist, pulling her onto my lap. “Now, why would I do that?”

“A thank you for reminding you how incredible these are. You've got a real talent, Kenyon. Why are you wasting it managing an apartment complex?”

I shrugged, smirking at Zara’s explanation of what I did for a living. "Life got in the way. You know how it is.”

She slumped further into my lap, resting her head on my chest. “I understand, but you shouldn't give up on it."

Her words hit me harder than I expected.

“Thanks, Zara Nicole.”

“You’re welcome, Kenyon Keyes.”

“Is your nosey ass ready to do my hair now?”

“Just a few more minutes,” she mumbled, nestling against my chest.



Some days, it felt like hustling operated on a different calendar than the rest of the world. Time moved faster, shortening the turnaround for tasks like collection day. I had been in my office all morning moving money and adjusting the books when Kross called and said he was on his way.

That was never a good sign, so I waited patiently to find out what the fuck was going wrong now. Kross walked into my office looking just like Pops. Not physically, because looking at us, you couldn’t even tell Pops was in the room, but his mannerisms were all Eric Keyes.

“What’s up?”

“I have to fly to Miami to meet Javier.”

“For fuckin’ what?”

“I don’t know.”

“You didn’t think to ask?” I growled, my voice rising with each word.

“It isn’t optional.” Kross's expression remained stubborn and unyielding, his jaw clenched, barely concealing his anger. “Megan can handle the club. Just check in and be available if she calls.”

“Surprised you’re not taking your girl with you.”

“I don’t fuck where I lay. That’s all you,” Kross jabbed, but I wasn’t sold. Something was going on or did at one point.

“I haven’t fucked Nova,” I replied proudly, but I thought about it often.

Too fuckin’ often, honestly. I felt like a horny ass teenager around her a lot of times. Feelings made me delusional, so I usually kept them to myself. It was safer for all parties involved. Some nights, it was hard to set foot in Utopia, watching everybody so enamored with what was mine, at least in my head.

“I find that hard to believe.”

“Believe it nigga. I think you should take Nolan with you. Just in case,” I suggested.

“I don’t need you worrying about me. I can handle myself.”