Page 44 of Tainted

“Wassup with you today?” Kross asked, turning the spotlight back on me because he didn’t like talking about his feelings any more than me.

“I don’t like being summoned for fake emergencies.”

Kross picked up his drink again, downing the rest of it in one go, “If I knew your attitude would be some shit, I would’ve.”

“Next time I say I’m busy, leave me alone,” I replied, finishing my drink. “Anything else,Boss?”

Kross narrowed his gaze, annoyed that I called him Boss. He was likely about to complain about it, but Rajah, prancing in our direction, put a pin in his rant.

“Hey, Keyes,” Rajah sang, parking beside my chair.


“Don’t you have anything to do besides grin in his face?” Kross asked.

“No, I don’t.” Her sarcasm made me laugh.

“Go find something before you have all the free time in the world,” he threatened, forcing Rajah to roll her eyes.

“What’s wrong with him?”

“My cousin put him in the dryer as a kid. He hasn’t been right since. Don’t sweat it.”

“Fuck you, Keyes,” Kross groaned.

Rajah left us to squabble in peace, heading for the back. I heard Zara, and her voice trumped anything Kross said.

“Hey boo,” Rajah sang, then suddenly her voice changed, “What’s wrong, Freshie?”

“Today’s a day. I’m just ready to finish this shift and go home,” Zara complained, and that was the last my bionic ears could make out, considering they were feet away.

“Thirsty ass nigga,” Kross mumbled but purposely said it loud enough for me to hear because that’s what he wanted.


“Your head is so far up Nova’s pussy I’m surprised you heard what I said.”

The tension in my jaw betrayed my frustrations.

“My head is on my shoulders bitch nigga.” I was still turned around, watching the back of Zara’s head leaning into Rajah’s one-armed hug.

“Yeah, okay.”

I stood and pushed my hands in my pockets, trying to stop my feet from walking to the back. I knew better, but they were somehow moving. My mind was running laps, wondering what the fuck happened and wanting to strangle whoever created the sadness in her smile.

Fuck it.

I could hear Kross laughing in the distance. I didn’t bother turning around but tossed up my middle finger, unsure what to say to Zara when I reached her. Nervous wasn’t an emotion I was familiar with regarding women. According to Mom, I had the gift of gab and had always been a people person.

That would’ve come in handy as my palm pushed the door to the dressing room open. Some were serious about their privacy, while others just pretended, hoping I liked what I saw enough to do something about it.

“Damn, Keyes! We could’ve been naked.” Phoenix complained, but it was all smoke and mirrors for the audience.

“It ain’t shit I’ve never seen before. Where’s Za-Nova?” I asked, correcting myself and addressing the room.

Megan heard the commotion my presence created and peered out. Once she saw my face, she barreled at me at full speed.

“You can’t be in here, Keyes!”