Page 35 of Tainted

I met his gaze, my jaw clenched. “Kross said we got it. It’s not like we have much choice.”

“Very well.” He stood up, smoothing his suit jacket. “Keep an eye onourfriend for me, will you? I'd hate to see such a gem get lost in this rough place.”

I exchanged a tense glance with Kross, who nodded towards the back. Without a word, we strolled to his office to finish this conversation. First, I scanned the crowd, searching for Zara. I needed to confirm that she was okay after Javier's intrusive visit. Once I did, I flashed her a smile to ease the worry on her face as I trudged to Kross’s office.

“What was he talking about?” Kross asked.

I shrugged as the door clicked shut behind us, muting the noise from the club below. “I don’t know.”

“I saw your face. That wasn’t anI don’t knowlook.”

“Because he’s irritating as fuck.”

“I know. But we don't have a choice.” He picked up on the cynical twist on my face. “Kill him then what Keyes?”

“Do I have to figure out everything around here?”

“Killing him is your idea. It's a stupid one, by the way. Crazy or not, he’s connected, and killing Javier might solve one problem, but it’ll create another.”

Fingering my locs didn’t calm my anger fast enough.

“Then I guess we got shit to do. I’m about to get up with Nolan and figure this out.”

Kross slapped his hand on my shoulder. “We’ll figure it out. We always do.”

A reminder he gave me every time Javier moved the goalpost. I didn’t give a fuck how dangerous it was, if Javier didn’t let up soon something would be done about it.



Brandy finally wore me down, and I agreed to hang out tonight. I wasn’t thrilled about seeing Otto at the midnight run, but I was looking forward to the experience. It was one of the reasons I wanted to leave Autumn Grove in the first place.

Before the fun started, I needed to lay eyes on my favorite girl. Walking inside, I checked in with the receptionist.

“Oh wait.” She called out, forcing me to backpedal. “Administration wants to see the next of kin.”

“About what? Is Nana okay?” I asked immediately, concern lacing my voice.

“Her office is right this way.” She pointed, wearing a sympathetic grin.

Marching around the corner, eager to investigate, Ms. Holland awaited me at the door.

“I’m her granddaughter. What’s going on?” I asked, easing into the worn burgundy chair.

“We love Miss. Prescott, but unfortunately, her account is past due.”

“That can’t be.”

There was a pause, a silence that felt heavy.

“I wish it was different, sweetheart.”

“How? When did the payments stop?” I asked, confusion setting in. According to Brandy, everything was covered between insurance and Gran’s retirement check.

"They haven’t stopped. They’ve just been short, accruing a balance that needs to be paid. We've sent several notices to the address on file but haven't received a response."

"I’m sorry, I didn’t know. How much does she owe?” I asked, trying to focus on a solution.