Page 132 of Tainted

“He’s the only one who spoke,” I jabbed back, leaning into his hug.

“My bad, sis.”

“This is my cousin Brandy and my homegirl Jewel,” I volunteered, picking up on the look in Shaudi’s eye.

“Hmm, I’ve seen him around,” Jewel replied while Brandy waved.

Nolan shook his head before redirecting the conversation. “You good?”

“Are you asking for your boy?” Because Kenyon was observing our interaction like a chaperone on a field trip.

Nolan smirked. “I’m asking, but I’m sure he’s wondering.”

“Kenyon has never been shy. If he wants to know, he can ask himself.”

Nolan laughed and nodded before leaning in to whisper, “Kenyonisn’t as hard as he seems with you. Take it easy on, bro.”

Nolan winked before walking to Kenyon posted on a low wall near the corner of the garage.

“Shaudi is cute! Is he single?” Jewel asked.

I hunched my shoulders, focusing on the conversation.

“I don’t know much about him.”

“Ask Nolan for me. Thanks!” Jewel patted my shoulder, not even waiting for me to respond.

The night dragged on, and the more I tried to ignore him, the harder it got. Kenyon didn’t look good at all. His hair wasn’t done, and he wasn’t dressed like himself. Kenyon looked as miserable as I felt. Maybe even a little worse. It shocked me for someone as good at hiding as Kenyon.

Just when I drummed up the courage to end our misery, some girl walked over, laughing and touching his arm like she had every right. I clenched my drink tighter, pretending I didn’t see it, but it was impossible to ignore. Every glance in their direction felt like salt in the wound.

“Who is that?” I asked, never looking at the brown-skinned beauty standing before Kenyon.

“Sabrina,” Jewel replied, turning to watch the same show.

Kenyon just sat there, legs stretched out, nodding now and then whileSabrinarambled. Jewel’s loud squeal pulled my attention.

“Hey Romello! Fancy seeing you here!” Jewel yelled, signaling him over while looking Brandy directly in the face.

“Wassup,” he replied, slowly approaching us.

“Who did you come with?” Jewel asked

“Dolo tonight. Wassup with y’all?”

“Dolo,” Jewel repeated, causing me to laugh at her not-so-subtle attempt at matchmaking.

“Come with me to grab a drink,” Brandy insisted, dragging Jewel away.

“What’s up with Jewel?” Romello asked, laughing as they walked away.

“You know Jewel,” I half smiled.

Romello followed my eyes across the garage, watching Kenyon refill another cup. I’d stopped drinking myself because I was too busy keeping track of how many he’d had.

“You might as well go over there.”

“Am I that obvious?” I asked.