Gable took my bag, strapping it to his front instead of his back since his was still in place, and nodded at me.
“Yes,” she whimpered. “Please. I’m ready to be off this mountain. It’s downright terrifying to be up here.”
I imagined so.
Just the mere thought of falling off because you can’t see sent shivers coursing down my spine.
“I think on my back would be best,” I said. “That okay with you? It’ll give you something to hold on to.”
“I don’t care if you throw me over your shoulder as long as you get me down.” She tried to smile, but it was weak.
I wouldn’t be doing that.
But I did help her to stand, and then turned and crouched.
“I’m right in front of you. Lean forward,” I urged.
Her delicate hand pressed to my shoulder, then she moved so that she was lying over my back.
I caught both of her arms and looped them around my neck, then said, “I’m going to reach for your thigh now. Hold on to my neck, okay?”
Seconds later, she was on my back, and we were moving.
The hike had taken us an hour so far, but the way down was always easier.
I usually didn’t have an extra hundred and thirty pounds on my back, though.
I’ll vacuum the beach before I tell Facebook I’m in a relationship again.
—Bindi’s secret thoughts
“You still with me?” the mystery man asked.
“Yes,” I said. “I’m so sorry.”
“You’re fine,” he promised.
“I’m heavy, and I know that I’m affecting you because you’re breathing hard,” I corrected him.
“I’m breathing hard because I’m physically exerting myself going down the mountain, but just sayin’, I carry fifty pounds of weight on me every day when I’m working. You’re fine.”
“What do you do for work?” I asked.
It was the other man that was with him that answered. “We’re police officers. Gee is a K-9 officer, though. So he lugs his dog around with him all the time.”
“I do. Gable’s right.” Gee laughed. “I shouldn’t have started that when he was younger, because now that he’s older, he still expects it.”
The two of them sounded similar, but the one that was holding me, Gee, sounded a little darker and more dangerous.
At first when they’d walked up, I’d had a moment of panic because there were two strange men looming over me when I was vulnerable. But upon them talking me through my panic, I was much better about the situation now.
That, and desperate.
I didn’t want to spend a single second longer on this mountain than I had to.
I’d never get on one again if I had the choice.