“I put them to bed,” she answered. “And left Garnett with them. Germaine and Garnett came over to share their cookie cake since Garnett said that she couldn’t eat it all because her metabolism was atrocious since she turned sixty-five. She stayed over there while I came over here.”
“Oh.” Atlas rubbed at his eyes. “Fuck, I’m tired.”
“I think it’s time for everyone to go to bed,” Bindi chirped.
Auden and Atlas focused on her, and I knew that they knew.
I hadn’t let go of Bindi once since we’d gotten inside.
When Atlas opened his mouth to call me on it, I made a neck cutting motion with my finger then mouthed “not now” to him.
He nodded, his eyes narrowed, and said, “I think that’s a great idea. Give me my kid, Auden.”
“I think he just filled his diaper up anyway,” Auden said as he stood, still feeding Glades, and handed him over. “Get some sleep, bruh. You look like shit.”
“I’ll lock him in, don’t worry,” Pepper chirped.
The three of them walked out, leaving Auden, Bindi, and me.
Auden walked up to Bindi and said, “Future sister-in-law, huh?”
“Um…” Bindi hesitated.
“Maybe if you get tired of DPD, you can come work for Sunnyvale. They don’t wear you ragged like they do at DPD,” he teased.
Then he was gone, leaving us alone.
The dogs all went to lie down after Auden left, leaving Bindi and me standing in the middle of the living room alone.
“What did they say about full moons again?” I chuckled, skimming my nose against her neck.
She shivered against my side and said, “I’m not all that tired, Gee.”
I picked her up and carried her to my room, forgetting about everything but getting her to my bed where I could slip inside of her.
She started taking my shirt off with her body entirely pressed against mine, causing us both to laugh as she tried and failed to make it happen before I put her down on my mattress.
I had one arm in my sleeve and one arm out, with the shirt half on, half off, when I set her down on the bed.
I quickly stripped off my shirt and started on her shoes when she said, “Maybe tomorrow on the way to work we can stop by my place so I can get some clothes?”
“Yeah?” I asked. “’Cause you want to stay with me?”
“Because if we keep having sleepovers, I need some clothes that I haven’t already worn once this week,” she pointed out. “Though, today’s outfit was pretty utilitarian.”
Her shoes and socks fell to the floor, followed by the stretchy pants, leaving her in a black thong and a t-shirt.
She took care of the T-shirt, the bra, and the panties in the time that it’d taken me to drop my jeans.
Her tits bounced when she fell back on the bed, and I had to stop and admire the view.
“You’re beautiful,” I told her. “Do you know that?”
She flushed red. “You’re the first person besides my parents to actually say that to me.”
Anger at her ex rushed up inside of me like a raging volcano. But if she couldn’t mention that douchebag, neither could I.