I wanted her to like me after all.
After saying goodbye to Lea, the group walked back to my place.
I let the dogs off their leashes and let them walk at the pace that they wanted and made it back into the house just as Boss opened the front door with his foot.
One day I’d have to think about replacing the lever door.
It was a mistake.
“That’s convenient,” Auden muttered.
“Until he lets himself out in the middle of the night, and you forgot to lock the door, but didn’t forget to arm the alarm. And he sets it off and scares the shit out of you,” I shared.
“Maybe I should get an alarm,” Bindi said as I closed the door behind us all. “Or maybe one of those little alarms that beeps when you open and close the door like yours does.”
I’d forgotten mine even did that, I was so used to it now.
“That would be a great add-on,” Auden said as he walked to the couch, sat, and popped the bottle he made into Glades’s mouth.
Just as he calmed down and started sucking, Atlas popped up off the couch like he’d been electrocuted.
He started looking around wildly, and I held up my hand—the one that wasn’t still around Bindi’s body—and said, “Calm down, bro. We got this.”
“We got this?” he asked in confusion as he blinked stupidly.
“You were sleepwalking.”
Atlas froze, looking at Bindi who wasn’t looking at him, but at the wall in front of her.
He looked slightly green, and I knew that he was thinking worst-case scenario here.
“So I was just thinking,” she said. “Because, you know, it’s kind of scary for me when I can’t see anyone come and go. I’m thinking that if you had a setting on your alarm system that alerted your phone—or maybe your wife’s—of your door being opened after you’ve set the alarm, it could be a really good thing. That way someone other than a blind woman would know that you’re out of your house when you shouldn’t be.”
“I didn’t set the alarm,” he admitted. “I usually set it, but I knew that Pepper would be home soon. Fuck.”
“The door alert thing would be really good,” Auden said as he rocked Glades.
“Yeah,” Atlas agreed.
The front door burst open and hurried feet came our way.
She didn’t come to Atlas or her baby, though. She went right to Bindi, who was still in my arms, and threw her arms around my girl’s shoulders.
“Thank you!” She squeezed, causing Bindi to gurgle slightly. “Thank you, thank you.”
Then she let go and turned to Auden. “This is now my sister-in-law-to-be. You fuck with her, you fuck with me. And your wife won’t take kindly to you manhandling our new BFF.”
Auden sighed. “I didn’t know.”
“Don’t blame him too much,” Bindi said softly. “I would hope he’d do the same thing if he knew that I had an infant in my house. He didn’t know what was going on. Just that a stranger was walking in without lights on and looking kind of creepy.”
Auden looked relieved to hear that.
I could see her point, but…still. I didn’t like that she’d been hurt in any way, even if he hadn’t been trying to do it.
“Well…” Pepper paused. “Okay.”
“Where are the other two?” Atlas asked tiredly.