My brows rose. “Well, I can’t just sit here in awkward silence, Delphine. You make me uncomfortable.”
I almost hoped that I never had to rely on her to serve and protect me.
She came off as a real bitch.
Rooster came back and I said, “Rooster, can you find the remote?”
We’d been working on that at my apartment over the last week.
I was notorious for taking the remote with me wherever I happened to be going. Bathroom. Kitchen. Bedroom. Laundry room.
The only problem was, I had trouble finding it when I inevitably left it there.
Over the last week, I’d made it a little game for Rooster, and when he found the remote, he got lots of cuddles, kisses, and treats.
But since I wasn’t at my own place, and I had no clue where Gee left his treats, he’d have to settle for cuddles and kisses.
“He’s going the wrong direction,” Delphine grumbled.
“Well,” I said. “You could also hand it to me. I can give you the cuddles and kisses I was going to give my Rooster when he found it.”
“I think not,” she immediately disagreed.
I guess that meant she wasn’t going to hand me the remote, either.
The door opened and closed, and slightly out of breath breathing joined us in the quiet room.
“Did you find him?” I asked, turning in my seat like I could see the man when I did.
“I didn’t.” Garrett sighed.
“Told you,” Delphine mumbled, quiet enough for only me to hear.
A nudge at my hand caused me to smile.
I heard Gee draw in a deep breath.
“You found it,” I said, cuddling Rooster close and burying my face into his neck folds. “Good boy, Roo. Good boy.”
“What did he find?” Gee asked as he came closer.
“The remote,” I said. “I was getting jittery with the quiet, so I was going to turn the television on.”
“I don’t have cable,” he admitted. “I rent my movies when I want to watch them.”
I gasped. “You don’t even have Netflix? Hulu? YouTube TV?”
It was silent for a long moment, and then Garrett cursed. “Sorry. I shook my head. That was rude. I’m sorry.” He paused. “Delphine, you could’ve handed her the TV remote.”
“She didn’t want to be showered with my kisses and cuddles,” I admitted. “Plus, it’s something fun Rooster and I do.”
Another wet nose touched my hand, and I smiled as I reached out and ran my fingers over the silky fur of Boss’s ears.
“Someone’s jealous,” I teased.
“That’s Delphine’s dog,” Garrett said. “Boss is currently in front of the treat bowl because he did a job and expects to be rewarded.”
“He’s a good boy,” I said as I continued to pet the new head in my lap. “Delphine, what’s your dog’s name?”