Page 2 of Yolo

“I’m sorry.” The woman’s voice was soft, almost hesitant as if she didn’t want to piss these people off.

“Sorry we were late,” the asshole next to her glared. “Someone couldn’t find her shoes.”

The five assholes started walking toward the door, leaving the woman with the shorter legs behind.

The woman sighed. “It’s not like I was the one that packed them, Joseph.”

The “Joseph” imbecile didn’t hear her, luckily.

I would’ve had to hate to blow my cover because this piece of shit rounded on her.

The group left, and I watched them walk to a limo that was outside waiting for them.

I hated watching the woman go.

She was by far the most beautiful creature I’d ever laid eyes on.

When I finally pulled my gaze away from the window, I nearly jolted in surprise.

Because when I looked across the lobby, the woman that I was expecting was walking with purpose to a maid in the corner that I hadn’t seen until now.

She was wearing her police uniform.

Her hair was in a fancy updo that made her look hard and unyielding.

They spoke in the corner of the lobby, and the maid slipped her a key card.

I pulled my phone out of my pocket and recorded the entire thing.

Once the maid disappeared around the corner, I got up and put the phone to my ear.

The phone rang twice before my dad, the chief of police for the Dallas Police Department, answered. “She was given a key card.”

“Make the approach,” my father said. “Be careful.”

He hung up, and I got up with Boss, my K-9 partner, and said, “Let’s go, boy.”

Day 98 without sex. I slammed on my brakes just so I could feel my seat belt choke me.

—Bindi to her mother


1 ½ years ago

“Come on, babe.” My fiancé rolled his eyes at me. “Just come. It’ll be fun.”

I wasn’t sure how it could be fun, considering he knew I hated hiking.

Well, let me rephrase. I didn’t hate hiking. I hated hiking with his family.

Why did I hate hiking with his family?

Because they were all douchebags.

I’d never been a hiker before I met them.

Coming from a blue-collar family, we didn’t have the money to just up and go to the mountains anytime we damn well pleased.