“My brother is.” I swallowed nervously. “I am not normal…” Only three people in this room knew I was not right. And one had lost his son because of me.
Dimitri’s hands balled up, and I could tell it was taking everything in him not to come for me. My eyes lowered, knowing I’d deserve it.
“My brother turned out the typical Druid/dark dweller. I did not.”
“I love that you thinkit’snormal,” Birdie sputtered.
“Compared to me, he is.” I cleared my throat. “I will handle the soldiers if something happens.” I owed Kozlov that much.
“No.” Ash turned me to him. “Using those powers hurts you.”
“Like you said, we don’t have a lot of options.” I curled my finger around his. “I can do it. I have you to keep me in check.”
I am doing it. You’re either with me or you’re not, I said in my head.
His head bowed, and I knew somehow he heard me.
“I amfucked,” he muttered under his breath and turned back to his friends. “I want you all to understand what you are getting into. What is truly ahead. This is my fight, my vengeance, that has led you here. I don’t want to see anything happen to any of you because of me. So as much as I appreciate you coming…”
“Who the fuck are you talking to?” Scorpion peered around like there were other people in the room. “Because it certainly can’t be us.”
“Right?” Wesley snorted. “It’s like he doesn’t know us at all.”
“Ash.” Brexley tilted her head. “We’re family. It’s why we were so upset when you left. Your fight isourfight.”
“Plus, I’ll get cranky if I don’t get to hurt someone soon.” Birdie folded her arms.
“By the noises you were making last night, it sure sounded like one of you was being hurt.” Wesley nodded at Caden and Birdie.
“That’s fun pain.” She winked back at Wes.
“I don’t think you realize what you’re getting into.” Ash rubbed the back of his neck. “This is different than last time.”
“You’re not doing this without us,” Brexley stated. “We’re a package deal. Can’t get rid of us.”
“Now we sound like chlamydia,” Hanna snorted.
“Same difference.” Birdie shrugged.
Ash took a breath, pressing his arm into me, a calmness soothing over him with his family around. “First we need to get Kozlov’s troops here without being noticed by border crossing.”
“Leave it to me.” Dzsinn dipped his head. “I know some people. Give me two days.”
“All right, then we need more weapons, and a concept besides a Trojan horse.”
“Why?” Caden muttered. “Like any of our plans don’t go to shit in the first five minutes anyway.”
“He has a point,” Brexley replied dryly.
“I need new friends.” Ash palmed his face, chuckling under his breath.
“Ummm… excuse me, tree trunk.” A huffed voice came from the table. Opie stood with his hands on his hips. Bitzy swayed next to him, her little fingers waving happily into the air, high as a kite. She somehow found the stash of mushrooms Ash was trying to hide from her. “You forgot the most crucial people in the plan!”
“Let me guess, you think that’s you?” Warwick rolled his eyes.
“Of course!” Opie held up his hands. “It’s why we train these so much.” He wiggled his fingers, Bitzy copying him, but then got distracted by the air. “So we can stick them in the tightest, darkest holes and create ecstasy magic!”
“You mean exemplary?” Brex’s brow lifted.