Page 66 of Smith

I obliged.

It took approximately two seconds before our next interruption.

“Aw, isn’t that cute,” Jonas cackled. “A mid-morning make-out session.”

Aria growled into my mouth.

Fuck, she was cute.

“Would Zane be mad if I beat up one of his employees?” Aria asked against my lips.

I gave her a quick closed mouth kiss and muttered, “Nope.”

We both turned to find the nosey bastard still standing in the doorway.

“Kira’s got?—”

“Preliminaries on Billy Rice,” Aria interrupted. “We know.”

“Just making sure.” Jonas grinned. “See you in there.”

Aria tipped her head back and frowned.

“We should’ve stayed home.”


I violently shoved the emotions that evoked out of my head. But I couldn’t stop the sharp pain that scored through my heart.

“But since we didn’t, we should see what Kira found,” Aria carried on.

I suppressed the burn still blazing in my chest and we walked out of my office hand-in-hand.

I knew I should’ve let go but for the life of me I couldn’t.

Coop and Jonas were already at the conference room table. Jonas to Kira’s left, Coop to her right. All three stared at something on the screen.

“Whatcha got?” I asked.

Kira looked up and beamed a bright smile at Aria.

“I set you up with a password to log into our internet.”


“Thanks. I was gonna hot spot it.”

Kira waved a hand and shook her head.

“No way, we got blazing fast service here.”

I pulled out a chair for Aria. Unfortunately, that meant I had to let go of her hand. For some insane reason, I felt compelled to nab it again. It was like a compulsion—she was close and because she was, I needed to touch her.

My addiction was at an all-time high and not showing signs of stopping.

Not great news.

Since my concentration was on Aria, I’d lost focus on Kira so I was caught off-guard. Not that I would’ve been prepared for Kira’s idea of a joke.