Page 35 of Smith

Lots of sex.

In other words, I was exhausted and sore in all the right places. That was not a complaint. The man was a machine—a fully charged sex machine—that had screwed me within an inch of my life. That wasn’t a complaint either. I licked my parched lips and reached over to shove the Energizer Bunny awake but came up empty. I patted the bed looking for Smith, wondering when we’d disengaged from our cuddle.

The clattering stopped.

I turned my head to his side of the bed. No Smith. That’s when I heard the shower on. The clattering started again before I could decide if I was going to roll out of bed at the butt ass crackof dawn to catch a glimpse of a wet, soapy Smith or if my lady parts were on strike.

The decision was made for me when the phone stopped vibrating and started up again.

That was three calls in less than three minutes.

Something was wrong.

I rolled, shimmed, and tagged Smith’s phone on my way to the bathroom, catching a glimpse of the caller ID.

Zane Lewis.

Shit. This couldn’t be good. I didn’t think Smith’s boss would be calling this early if there wasn’t a major problem.

I pushed open the door as the call ended.

“Hey, Zane’s called…” I paused as the phone started again. “Four times.”

“Fuck,” he grumbled.

“Should I answer it?”

“Yeah. Put him on speaker.”

I slid my finger across the screen and before I could say a word or put the call on speaker I heard an angry voice yelling, “If you’re fucking her there will be…”

“Hello, Smith’s phone,” I feigned a sing-song voice and tapped the speaker icon. “Please hold while I connect you to Mr. Everette.”

I heard Smith’s laughter as it mingled with the running water.

“What the?—”

“You’re on speaker phone, Mr. Lewis.”

“What’s with the Mr. Lewis shit?” he grumbled.

I smiled at Zane’s disgruntled tone.

“What would you have me call you? Mr. Cock Blocker calling at zero dark thirty. Mr. Grumpy Pants, even though you’re the one who called waking me up, not the other way around. Or we could go with?—”

“Aria,” Smith interrupted.

“Did you call me Mr. Cock Blocker?” Zane inquired.

“No, I merely suggested that name if you weren’t fond of Mr. Lewis.”

“Jesus,” Smith grunted and I heard the water turn off before Smith threw the shower curtain open.

And there he was, in all his naked glory complete with water rivuleting down his chest, abs, and very impressive cock. I watched a water droplet roll off the tip of his cock and suddenly I was parched. Dehydrated, actually. In desperate need of…

“Aria,” Smith growled my name in three syllables.

The growl made me shiver. His cock jerking under my stare made my pussy convulse.