I didn’t know what was with the Sailor nickname and surprisingly I found it cute coming from her. That was to say, if anyone else repeatedly called me ‘Sailor’ I’d find it condescending and annoying.
“He wants me to stay the night,” I told her and watched her eyes flare. “I’m not going to do that. After you told me the precautions you’ve taken to bury your address, I checked, and you’re right—I couldn’t find you using regular internet searches. So I’ll tell you the same thing I told Zane—I don’t think it’s necessary. But if you’re worried, I’ll stand watch but it’ll be outside in my truck.”
The teasing slid out of her features and she shook her head.
“I’m not worried. And honestly, as fun as I find this.” Aria paused to wave a hand between us. “I’d feel crap if you stayed outside all night for no reason just so I could prance around my house in my jammies with the curtains open so you could watch.”
The woman just couldn’t help herself.
And, yeah, I liked that, too much. Women who pretended to be coy did nothing for me. Give me an assertive, self-assured woman who gave as good as she got then asked for more and I’d gladly play.
“Then it’s a damn good thing I wouldn’t be outside. Which means your blinds and curtains will be shut.”
“Is this where I’m supposed to salute you as an acknowledgment to your order?”
Jesus fuck.
This woman drove me insane.
“The ice is cracking, Aria,” I warned.
She got a cat-got-her-cream smile. The transformation from gorgeous to sexy and beautiful was astounding.
“You’re full of surprises, Smith Everette.”
No, but she was.
I knew it was a mistake before I asked, but I couldn’t stop myself from inquiring, “How’s that?”
“You just are.” She shrugged. “Easy to rile up but iron control. I like the first part of that but I’m not keen on the last.”
She was wrong. There was nothing easy about me.
“Easy?” I drawled. “Wrong, sweetheart, I’m hard. Literally. Which is why we’re moving this someplace where I have the threat of arrest for public indecency looming before that iron control you’re not fond of slips.”
“I could?—”
“March your sweet, tight ass out to my truck so I can feed you,” I finished her sentence for her.
“Fine,” she huffed. “But only because you think I have a nice ass.”
Goddamn, this woman.
She was going to be the death of me.
The pleasure wouldn’t be worth the pain I’d leave her with.
Aria would be my demise and I would be her downfall.
“Yo! Aria, where do you want the drywall stacked?” Philip the nice young man from the Easton Home Improvement asked.
I glanced around the mostly gutted room and pointed to the middle of the space.
“On the drop cloth, if you would.”
“Sure thing.” He nodded. “I saw the video you posted about the break-in and vandalism. Sucks, sis, people are assholes.”