Page 45 of Smith

Jeez!Talk about light feet, and I hadn’t even heard the door.

“You scared the shit out of me.”

Lips touched my neck while in turn made me shiver.

“Sorry your day turned to shit,” Smith rumbled at my neck.

Suddenly my day didn’t seemthatbad. Maybe it was the way Smith was holding me or the brush of his lips, or maybe it was simply because he’d acknowledged I was having a bad day.

“It could be worse,” I muttered.

“It could be, but that doesn’t make it suck any less.” Smith turned me to face him, then dipped his head. “Tonight, I’ll see what I can do to make sure your day ends on a high note.”

How was it possible for big, tough, rough, and bossy Smith to be cute?

“A high note?”

“Yeah, baby, a high note.” He smiled.

“Any chance I can get a preview?”

Smith’s hands on my hips tightened and I barely concealed my squeal of surprise when he lifted me up and plopped my ass on the dirty workbench. The concealment was in large part due to Smith’s mouth covering mine along with the invasion of his tongue.

Good night, the man could kiss.

Expert level good.

Which meant it took him approximately three seconds before my legs wrapped around his hips and I was scooting to the edge of the bench to find the friction I needed. This also meant I was moaning into his mouth when he tilted my head and took more. Sadly, Smith didn’t take the kiss any further. Also sadly,he broke the kiss not long after my hand had slid up his back and into his short-cropped hair.

With his forehead resting on mine, his thumb grazed over my lips, moved across the apple of my cheek, and his fingers curled around the back of my neck.

“Tease,” I whispered.

Since my legs were wrapped around him and he was pressed close, I felt his body start to shake.


“Tonight,” he promised.

“Tonight,” I parroted.

Unfortunately, with my agreement he lifted his head, then lifted me off the workbench, and placed me on my feet.

“You good?”

No, I was not good. I was turned on and it would be hours before I could do anything about it. Not to mention the house situation.

“Yes,” I lied.

“We’ll have a care, Aria,” he started.

That was sweet and appreciated.

“I know you will.”

Smith’s eyes flared, his smile appeared, and my heart squeezed. I didn’t understand what was behind that look but I did know I liked it. Too much. Hell, I liked everything about Smith, too much. Two days in and I was coming to learn, I should’ve heeded Smith’s warnings.

Too late.