Page 37 of Smith

“I’ve got shit to do,” Smith told Zane.

Zane’s loud sigh didn’t sound like resignation, it was more for drama and effect.

“Don’t be silly, cover your?—”

Smith disconnected before Zane could finish.

“Clothes off. Now.”

Bossy Smith gave me more than a shiver, he’d given me a full-blown body shake.

“Aye-aye, Sailor.”

I stepped back and whipped the t-shirt over my head. And since that was the only article of clothing I was wearing I was naked… and ready.

“Hands on the counter.”

I whirled around and placed my hands on his spotless vanity top.

“Don’t move.”

Smith left the room, which left me standing in front of the mirror. Instead of doing what I’d normally do—take in the room with a critical eye for the design I studied myself. Last night Smith had called me gorgeous, crazy beautiful, stunning, along with a slew of other things, some of them dirty, some sweet. I knew I wasn’t hard to look at but I wasn’t crazy beautiful, though he’d made me feel like I was. And standing there, naked, with my nipples pebbled, cheeks flushed, hair a bedhead mess, I’d never felt sexier. I didn’t understand why and I didn’t care—I just knew Smith made me feel this way and he did it with a hungry look like he couldn’t get enough.

The feeling was mutual.

Thankfully Smith didn’t make me wait long.

“You came prepared,” I teased.

He stroked his latex-covered erection and stepped behind me.

Nowthatwas sexier. His big frame behind me, hair wet and slicked back, his features relaxed if not a little smug. Last night I had intense, bossy, stoic Smith. It would seem this morning I had bossy, intense, flirty Smith.

“Tip your ass for me.”

I walked my feet back, scooted them open, and complied.

The moment I did the head of his cock slid through my excitement. But instead of entering me, he teased.

“You think you’re funny,” he noted. “What would you have done if you got your mouth on my dick while I was talking to my boss?”

Well, that was easy.

“I would’ve sucked you off.”

Smith pulled back. I felt his heavy erection thumb my ass a few times before he shifted again and went back to sliding his shaft between my legs, still not giving me what I wanted.

“That’s all?”

“No, I would’ve sucked you and listened to you try to carry on a conversation.”

The head of his dick bumped my clit. My eyes closed, my ass tipped higher in a desperate invitation, and just in case he needed a more obvious request, I rocked back.

“Open your eyes, Aria, and take your payback like a good girl.”


Hell, if this was payback I’d do whatever I could to earn more.