Page 106 of Smith

“What are you thinking, KK?” Easton asked.

I didn’t look up from my tablet—not that he could see me—when I answered.

“I’m running her through Patheon right now, but I’m thinking Billy Rice has cameras in his clients’ houses. That angle says the camera is hidden someplace high.”

“Sick fuck,” Coop spat his understatement.

“Anything else you want me to bring back?” Theo asked.

I was busy running the image Garrett sent through my prized facial recognition software to answer.

“No. We need to leave the unit intact for the police.”

“Got it!” I called out. “Her name is Pamela Hess. And…” I trailed off, switched screens, went to Billy’s client list and scanned. “Jacob and Pamela Hess, Rehoboth Beth, Delaware. Primary residence Franklin, Tennessee.”

“Theo, bring in those devices now,” Garratt instructed. “Easton, go back to Billy’s house and you and Cash search every inch for cameras inside his house. He either knew we were there yesterday or he’s fucking clairvoyant. And there ain’t no way he’s physic so he knew. Coop, stay there, we need everything cataloged before the police get there and we lose access. Also, don’t call it in until after you’ve talked to the manager.”

There was a round of ‘copies’ before the bodies in the storage unit started shuffling around to follow orders.

I felt Layla’s hand on my shoulder.

I tipped my head back and looked at my team leader, my friend who had become my sister.

“We’re gonna find her, Kira.”

We had to.

For Aria.

And for Smith.



It was debatable which stopped working first—my lungs or my heart. Both had stopped normal functions. What was indisputable was I was going to kill Billy Rice with my bare hands.

“Keep your shit,” Zane instructed, coming into Aria’s living room.

The only room I’d yet to be in and already I was murderous. It wasn’t the lamp that was broken, the table that was turned over, the cushions that were askew on the couch. It was the blood smear on the floor. Not a little blood—a goddamn lot of blood that trailed from the kitchen to the front door.


My gaze snapped from the blood to Zane.

“Lock it down. Either you’re helping or you’re in the way. You lose it, you fuck this for Aria.”

I glanced around the room I’d walked through hours before and saw it play out—Aria fighting for her life after I left her alone. Aria running through the living room, a crazy man after her because I’d underestimated what he was capable of. Aria sleeping in her bed where I’d left her.

“Smith,” Jonas said from beside me.

“Give me a fuckin’ second.”


“When it’s your woman…” I snapped, but didn’t finish when I spied Aria’s smashed cellphone on the floor, partially under the couch. “Fuck.”

Billy’s cell was in his kitchen. Aria’s on the floor. His car in his driveway.