Link’s hand drops away, and he takes a step back, giving me space. He turns away, moving toward the window, his gaze lost in the cityscape below. The silence stretches between us, and for a moment, I wonder if he’s going to answer me at all.
“I have my reasons.”
His response is guarded, as I expected.
“Some of them are…complicated.”
I watch him, the play of light and shadow across his features, the tension in his shoulders. “Complicated how?”
“I told you once that I always win my battles. That’s true.” He clasps his hands behind his back. “But in this world, the one I inhabit, victories often come with…strings attached. Alliances are formed; favors are owed.”
He’s speaking in riddles.
“Life is a game of chess, and every move has consequences.”
Trying to follow his logic, I frown. “And marrying me… That’s a move in your game?”
“More than that.” Link turns to face me, his blue eyes like ice. “By making you my wife, I’m ensuring your safety. It’s the most effective way to protect you.”
“But why go to these lengths? Why not just…hide me away? Help me get a fresh start?”
“Because I want you to be mine.” His gaze never wavers from mine. “That first night at the Rusty Nail… You were fierce, brave, and so damn beautiful.”
But there’s more. There has to be. He’d called me Tessa when he only knew me as Nikki. “You figured out who I was.”
He doesn’t attempt to deny it. “When I found out about the danger you were in, I knew I couldn’t let anything happen to you.”
A chill rocks through me as another terrible realization occurs to me. “You know Emiliano.”
Once more, he remains silent.
“And you’re taking me away from him.”
“A bonus,” he assures me. “Not my motivation.”
How am I a pawn between them?
He closes the distance between us and gently curls his hands around my shoulders. “You’re meant to be cherished. As my wife, you will be.”
In the time we’ve known each other, is it possible, even a little bit, that this compelling man has developed feelings for me?
“And how does Pax fit into all of this?”
Link’s expression softens slightly. “He’s my closest confidant, my right hand. And he’s committed to taking care of you as much as I am.”
I think back to the kiss I shared with Pax, to the way he looked at me, touched me. There’s a sensual connection betweenus, and I’d believe he cares for me, even if I have trouble believing that about Link.
Everything has happened so fast, but I can’t deny the pull I feel toward both of them.
Before I can respond, he eases me toward him.
“This is real, little dove. And you know it.”
Intentionally he leans forward to capture my lips, seeking entry.
Unable to deny him, I open my mouth.
This isn’t the gentle, exploratory kiss from my dream. This is Link Sovereign Merritt staking his claim.