“You can’t keep running.”
I exhale. “I’ll think about it.” What choice do I have?
As Natalie and I say goodbye, I’m hit with devastating emotions. I’m happy for her and David, but I’m sad we’re going in different directions.
At the door, she holds me tight. “You’re stronger than you think.” Then she’s all Nat. “I want an invite to your wedding.”
I shake my head. “You’re impossible.”
After a shared laugh, I unlock the door and peek out.
“Ready?” Pax asks.
I straighten my back.Am I?
Moments later, I nod.
Two agents remain at Natalie’s door while Mira walks in front of me and Pax brings up the rear.
Torin is waiting in the SUV, and the engine is already running.
The doors are barely closed when he starts rolling.
As I settle in, Pax offers me a sleek, high-end smartphone. “For you.”
The device is purple titanium, a work of art that is beyond gorgeous. From the ads I’ve seen online, the glass front is virtually indestructible, so it doesn’t need a protective cover, making the user experience a sensual one. “A Bonds?”
“Nothing more reliable.”
Or expensive. That single piece of masterful technology costs the same price as four months’ rent in the apartment Natalie and I shared. Even when my parents were alive and money wasn’t an issue, our family never considered buying anything that expensive. “Thank you, but I can’t accept this.”
“You will.”
Why had I ever thought that he was less forceful and intimidating than his boss?
“Take it up with Link.”
I sigh. Even though I haven’t agreed to marry the man, he’s already running my life.
Reluctantly I accept the phone. The weight is less than I expect, and the combination of glass and titanium is irresistibly tempting.
Despite my resolve, I swipe my finger across the front, and vibrant colors leap to life.
A note comes across the screen.
Welcome to the Bonds family, Tessa. Enjoy your experience.
Beneath it is Julien Bonds’s signature. “Is that standard on all Bonds devices?”
“No?” I turn to study him. “Don’t tell me you know Julien Bonds?”
He shrugs. But instead of answering, he says, “Our numbers are programmed in, along with all the contacts from your old phone. All you have to do is press one for Link, two for me, three for Hawkeye Security. Or tap the screen twice and tell Holly what you need.”