Grinning, I hold the cup tight. “Where’s Pax?”
“On a call.” Link closes his laptop to give me his full attention. “What are your plans for the day?”
“After my bath…”
“Smart. I ordered more Epsom salts for you.”
“For who?” I counter, remembering what he’d said about being self-serving.
He grins.
“I’m going to spend the morning studying. I have a test coming up next week. Then I’m meeting Natalie for lunch.”
Link nods. “I’m going to head into the office for a bit.”
Then, no doubt, he’ll hit the treadmill or get some other form of punishing cardio. Assuming he hasn’t already done so.
Just then, Pax enters the kitchen. He’s wearing a fitted black T-shirt and jeans, his muscles bulging slightly as he moves. The man is so delicious, and I can’t believe he’s mine.
“Morning, sweetheart.” He drops a kiss on my forehead.
“I thought maybe you’d changed my name to princess.”
“Thank you for getting breakfast.”
He shrugs, as if it’s no big deal. “I had a meeting with some of the guys at Hawkeye this morning. I figured I’d pick up some bagels on the way back.”
I look between the two men, grateful for the life we’re building together. “Are we going out to dinner?” It’s becoming a bit of a tradition.
Link glances at Pax before answering. “How about seven? Maestro’s? That should give us all enough time to get our work done.”
I appreciate that he doesn’t always make assumptions. He’s not perfect, but more often than not, he catches himself and tries again. “Sounds perfect.”
As we sit there, the three of us enjoying our breakfast and catching up, I want to pinch myself. This is what my version of happiness looks like. I have a family, people I cherish, men I’d do anything for.
Even though we all have things to do and places to be, we somehow end up back in bed for a quickie that leaves all of us satisfied and anxious to reunite in a few hours.
“No masturbating,” Pax warns before he heads out the door.
I blink. Until now, I hadn’t even considered it.
“If I ask, and you lie, you’ll blush.” He lifts one shoulder. “Dead giveaway.”
Frowning, I protest, “You’re diabolical, Agent Gallagher.”
“I mean it. Keep your hands—and any toys—away from our pussy, or you’ll have a difficult time sitting for a couple of days…”
Because I’m thinking about the night ahead, I struggle to focus on my studying, but I enjoy my time with Natalie immensely.
By six thirty, I’m wearing a dress, and I have on heels.
I’ve taken the time to put my hair up, and I’ve added a necklace and earrings that Link bought for me.
As I walk down the stairs, I see both of my men sitting in the living room, glasses of whiskey in hand. Bonds, no doubt. Only the best for my men.
When they catch sight of me, they stand.