We both laugh.
While she talks about a movie she and David went to the previous night, my thoughts wander.
Since I’m limited on how much I can withdraw from my account, I’ll need money. Maybe Marge will let me have my old job back. She can be flexible with hours, and I can work them around my studies. Maybe I can even start babysitting again.
Since Natalie warns me again to make sure I have room for dessert, I save some of my entrée to take home with me.
Of the three small plates that are delivered to the table, the torte is my favorite. “I’m serious about finding an apartment around here,” I say as I polish off the last crumb.
She laughs. “We could have a regular girls night here.”
“I’m in.”
The visit with Natalie and being spoiled by the restaurant owner was exactly what I needed, but by the time I arrive back at my car, I’m more miserable than I’d been at the beginning of the day.
Even though I no longer have a bodyguard with me, I suspect Pax keeps an eye on me. And I wouldn’t be surprised if he still had an agent hovering somewhere in the background.
At Link’s estate, I let myself in through the back door.
No one is in the kitchen, so I quietly place my leftovers in the refrigerator. And maybe if I’m quiet enough, I can sneak up the stairs without anyone realizing I’m home.
An image of my first night in the house flashes back. I’d locked the door that night, but in the morning, my belongings were in the room.
A hundred times over the last few days, I’ve glanced over at the lock, but it has never moved.
Shoving back the memory, I move through the kitchen.
Near the staircase, I freeze.
Link is standing there, his face stark, eyes bleak. His shirt sleeves are rolled back, and there’s a shadow on his face.
I have never seen him look like this. Uncertain, haunted.
Frowning, I ask, “Is everything okay?”
He’s silent. The tension thickens and grows.
“Link?” My heart misses a few beats. Then my stomach plunges.
“Do you want a divorce?”
A divorce?I frown. I’ve been thinking about it. But I never expected him to be the one to bring it up. “Link…”
“Answer me.”
My emotions lodge in my throat, and I choke on them.
“You’ve been out looking at apartments.”
So my guess was right. Even if I don’t have Hawkeye bodyguards assigned to me, Pax still isn’t taking any chances.
“Look, Tessa…”
Tessa. Notlittle dove.