Desperately wanting to believe him, I search his face.
Our entire relationship—this whole situation—is so screwed up.
By marrying me, he stole me away from Emiliano. And that has made my brother even more desperate for money. And now there’s an inheritance I knew nothing about.
Standing quickly, I pick up my glass and head for the bedroom I had when we first checked in.
Link follows me, and he grabs hold of my wrist, stopping me.
My jaw tight, I meet the heated anger in his gaze. With fury of my own, I yank my hand away. “I’ll need the name of a lawyer. Text it to me.”
Two Days Later
My pulse is racing as I exit the elevator and walk toward the offices of Fallon and Associates.
Of course, Torin and Mira are right behind me, their presence a constant reminder of the life I’m no longer sure I want.
When I am in front of the double doors marked with an engraved brass sign, I stop.
“Would you like us to come in?” Mira asks. “Or wait in the hallway?”
“Here. Please.”
She nods sharply.
In a way, I’m shocked I’m even here. I wouldn’t have put it past Link to try to stop me from leaving the house…for my own safety.
Pax is somewhat more reasonable. Though he wouldn’t let me drive alone, he gave the Hawkeye agents instructions to let me go wherever I wanted.
I’m smart enough to realize he’s probably tracking me and reporting my whereabouts to Link. But I’m free from his clutches for a few hours at least, and I took the time to grab a coffee on the way. Amazing how things I once took for granted now make me feel as if I’m getting away with something.
After squaring my shoulders, my heart thundering in a way that I can’t control, I pull open the door.
A blond receptionist greets me with a polite smile, but I barely notice as I take in the decor. Everything about this place exudes confidence and success.
Before I can second-guess my decision to come here, a tall, striking woman in a tailored business suit emerges from an office and strides toward me.
She smiles, and she seems warm and inviting. I’m a little surprised because Drake Griffin, the attorney Link recommended I talk to, had called her a barracuda.
“Mrs. Merritt. I’m Celeste. Delighted to meet you.”
As we shake hands, I catch a glint of bright green emeralds on her finger. I look a little more closely and recognize the owl design. Just how far does the Zeta society reach?
Celeste leads me into her office, gesturing toward a cozy seating area with a plush couch and two armchairs. “Let’s sit here,” she suggests. “It’s more comfortable for conversation.”
I perch on the edge of the couch, feeling small and out of place. Celeste hands me a bottle of water before taking a seat across from me. Her sharp eyes miss nothing as she studies me.
“Congratulations on your marriage,” she says, her tone warm but neutral.
I try to smile, but my lips refuse to cooperate.
Celeste’s expression softens with sympathy.