I shook my head as the memory faded. A little over a year later, everything fell to shit, and Cody and Kelly ended up making me run for my life as they tried to eat me. None of that mattered anymore. I watched the man wrap his hand around his dick and stroked it. It grew larger in his hand as the tip turned a more purplish color. Why the hell was it getting bigger? It was already plenty big enough, far bigger than Cody’s had been. If Cody’s had been that big, I would have run as soon as I saw it.
We both jumped as someone banged on the door. “Hurry the fuck up. Jack off on your own time, Derrick,” one of the other men yelled through the door.
Derrick cursed as he released himself like he had been burned. “You’re a real asshole, you know that, Remi?”
Remi’s laughter faded as he walked away. Derrick turned on the shower and brought the water to a reasonable temperature.I noted that his growing penis had returned to its original size. When he stepped into the shower and pulled the curtain closed behind him, I circled to the other side of the house to see what the others were up to.
As I went past Daddy’s room, Remi entered. I knew it was him because he was still laughing. He belly-flopped onto the bed and moaned in pleasure. “I call fucking dibs on the big bed,” he muttered.
I knew I was out of touch with the ways of the world now, but I’m pretty sure that’s not how dibs works. Someone has to hear you call it, or it doesn’t count. Remi rolled into a seated position at the side of the bed and snatched something off the nightstand.
“No fucking way!”
I wasn’t sure what he had grabbed until he took a cigarette from the pack and tossed the box back onto the nightstand. Daddy wasn’t a heavy smoker, but he did enjoy one or two before bed. Remi lit the cigarette and inhaled deeply. “Fuck yes,” he groaned.
The smoke came through the walls, and memories slammed into me as I breathed it in. I stumbled back against the exterior wall. I must have made enough noise to be heard because Remi suddenly froze and tilted his head like he was listening for something. He walked toward me and stuck his ear against the wall. I didn’t dare move. Even if he knew I was back here, he wouldn’t be able to see me. It was too dark. That didn’t mean I wanted to be discovered, though.
Eventually, Remi shrugged and sat back down on the bed. When he finished the cigarette, he tucked the pack and the lighter into his boot and left the room. I shadowed him through the walls as he went to the kitchen, where the other two men were.
“I don’t think that’s going to happen,” Remi said as he entered the kitchen, responding to one of the others’ asking what they would do if the owners came home.
Their reasoning was sound but inaccurate. If they thought upstairs was well stocked, they would lose their minds if they saw my stockpile downstairs. I had more than just paper towels. I sniffed the air as the smell of the chili wafted toward me. I didn’t have any chili, though. I went through my canned goods stockpile a while ago. I hadn’t realized that I left any cans in the cupboard.
“Also, I think there are mice in the walls. I heard them scurrying around,” Remi announced.
I looked around me in confusion. I couldn’t see anything, and I hadn’t heard anything either. It took me a minute to realize Remi was talking about hearing me earlier.
“We’ll be lucky if that’s the only thing living in the walls,” the man at the stove replied.
Derrick came into the kitchen wearing only a towel, water dripping down his hard chest. I lost track of the conversation until one of the men left the room. I followed the dark-haired man in glasses back to the bathroom. He stripped out of his clothes quickly. His penis was much smaller than Derrick’s, but it was also much floppier. Remi showered after him, followed by the youngest-looking man, whose name I found out was Trent. His older brother, with the glasses, was named Isaac. Trent had long brown hair, piercings in his face, and the most striking green eyes I have ever seen.
I hung on to their every word for the rest of the night. I watched as they ate dinner and put the leftovers in the fridge. I’d be helping myself to those later; it was my food, after all. They didn’t stay up long past dinner, and I waited until I was sure they were asleep before sneaking into the house through one of the hidden doors. I first transferred their chili and rice leftoversto my plate and took them downstairs to heat up and eat later. Once I had secured dinner, I went back upstairs to watch them sleep. Doing it outside the walls was risky, but I couldn’t resist getting closer to them.
I started in my old room, where Isaac and Trent were sleeping. The steady cadence of their breathing was soothing, and for a little while, I lay down on the shaggy carpet at the end of the bed and just listened. The peace was interrupted when one of them breathed heavier and moaned. I popped up to look at their sleeping forms to figure out what was going on. Trent started to shift restlessly as his eyes darted back and forth beneath his eyelids.
“No,” he whispered harshly.
He must be having a nightmare. I crawled to his side of the bed, and with my heart pounding, I rose to my knees to lean over him. His brow creased as a whimper fell from his lips. My chest squeezed for this stranger, and I couldn’t keep myself from smoothing the worry lines with my finger. Once they faded, I continued to trace his face gently. This was my first human contact in three years, and it felt strange in the best way possible. I didn’t want to stop touching him, but as his breathing settled back down, I knew I had to, or he’d wake up.
I backed out of the room regretfully. I wanted to stay by Trent’s side for the rest of the night, but I also wanted to check on Remi and Derrick. I entered Daddy’s room and stood in the shadows until I was sure they were asleep. Once I was, I approached the bed. Remi was on his stomach, hanging halfway off the bed. Derrick was on his back, and the blanket was thrown off him. One arm was behind his head, and the other lay across his stomach. My eyes were accustomed to the dark, so seeing him wasn’t difficult, and man did I see him. He was naked again, his heavy penis draped across his thigh.
I sat there staring at it until Derrick suddenly jerked and sat up. Terrified of being caught, I scurried silently to the secret door in the room and disappeared behind the walls. I watched as Derrick rubbed his eyes and looked around. Eventually, he flopped back onto the bed, and I heard his snoring resume shortly after.
Deciding I had tempted fate enough for one night, I returned to my bunker and reheated the chili. I took the first bite and nearly moaned as the flavors exploded in my mouth. It was so good, I wouldn’t have been surprised if I had made a sound. I don’t know when I stopped being able to talk. In the beginning, I talked to myself constantly, but as time passed, I became quieter until I realized that I hadn’t made any sound in a long time. When I tried to talk, nothing came out. Since I didn’t have anyone to talk to anyway, it hadn’t bothered me much. Now that people were nearby, being mute might be a tad inconvenient. Especially if they choose to stay here permanently, I won’t be able to remain hidden forever, and they’ll want to know why I’m in the walls.
It might get awkward if they ask me how much I’ve seen.
Chapter four
“This house makes too much damn noise,” I complained as I padded barefoot into the kitchen.
“Hey, look who finally found clothes!” Remi cheered sarcastically when he saw me.
I shrugged. “If you don’t like it, don’t look,” I retorted. Being indoors meant I could afford to go nude without the risk of getting a mosquito bite on my dick. I was going to take advantage of that luxury every chance I got.
“We’re sharing a fucking bed, asshole,” Remi retorted, throwing an apple at my head.