Page 47 of Stuck in Christmas

“You have to. If we don’t get the Christmas tree back to Ms. Bonnie, I’m pretty sure she’ll axe murder us both.”


The Christmas carnival buzzed around us, a tapestry of lights and laughter filling the night. Kris/Santa was busy handing out brightly wrapped presents to eager children. Their delighted squeals filled the air, and I couldn’t help but smile at the joy surrounding us.

“I am so glad you’re here to share this with me,” Eli whispered, his warmth radiating beside me. “Thank you again for making it possible for us to help so many families.”

“That was part of being all in, wasn’t it?” I replied, feeling a swell of gratitude. Our lips met in a soft kiss, which felt sacred and exhilarating.

“Seems to me like someone finally learned her lesson,” Kris/Santa commented with a cheeky grin.

I chuckled and turned toward him. “Thank you, Santa.”

“Yes. Thank you, Santa,” Eli echoed, his eyes sparkling with mischief.

Kris/Santa tilted his head. The twinkle in his eyes was hard to miss. “So, you got what you were wishing for this Christmas?”

I glanced at Eli, warmth blooming in my chest. “I guess I did.”

Kris/Santa chuckled, adding playfully, “I wasn’t talking to you.” He gestured behind me.

I pivoted, spotting Sherry and her boyfriend weaving through the crowd. “Sherry?” I shouted, rushing forward to embrace her.

“I sure did get my Christmas wish,” she admitted. “You could have knocked me over with a feather when I read you were in Christmas, Mississippi. What happened to the spa?”

“Ha! That wassotwo weeks ago.” I grinned as I pulled away. “I want you to meet Eli.”

Sherry shook Eli's hand, her eyes glinting. “This must be the smart, talented man you’d be a fool not to kiss.”

“What was she talking about?” Eli asked, turning to me with mock seriousness in his tone.

“Nothing,” I laughed, but the warmth surged again as I hugged him tighter.

“Well, my work here is done. I have a long night ahead of me,” Kris/Santa announced, his eyes twinkling with amusement.

“Wait,” I asked, curiosity piquing. “How did you do it?”

“Do what?” he replied with an innocent expression.

“Find the perfect present for everyone on your list?” I inquired.

His smile widened. “I just put a little heart into it.” He winked, touching the side of his nose in a gesture that only added to the moment's magic.

I turned to Eli. “I didn’t even know why I asked.” When I looked back, Kris had vanished,leaving me stunned. “How does he keep disappearing like that?” I murmured in disbelief.

Eli’s voice pulled me back to the present. “Who was up for a little pie and hot chocolate?”

“I’d love some.” Sherry raised her hand.

“Me too,” her boyfriend added as we walked toward Bonnie’s.

“How in the world is there snow on the ground here?” Sherry wondered aloud.

“Because this is Christmas, Mississippi—anything is possible this time of year. Even finding the love of your life,” I replied, glancing sideways at Eli.

“Well, it is a very,” Eli began.

“Romantic time of year,” we said in unison. I squeezed his hand.